Opening Files > Bodies in Creo View
Bodies in Creo View
About Working with Parts with Bodies
Creo View supports loading geometric multibody data and represents bodies in the Structure Tree.
Geometric bodies are represented as a node under the respective multibody part.
Bodies in the Structure Tree
For more information, see About the Structure Tee.
To Control the Listing of Bodies in the Structure Tree
In Creo View part bodies appear in the Structure Tree by default, or you can set an option to hide the bodies in the Structure Tree. Complete the following steps if you do not want part bodies to appear in the Structure Tree:
1. Click File > Options. The Creo View Options dialog box opens.
2. Next to Showing, click Global. The global options list appears on the left.
3. On the left, under General, click Navigation. The GeneralNavigation options appear.
4. Clear the Display part bodies check box.
5. Click Apply to keep the Options dialog box open, or click OK to apply the options and close the dialog box.
To Use Selection Filter When Working With Bodies
1. On the status bar, select the Bodies selection filter.
2. In the graphics area, move the pointer over the body. The entire part is highlighted.
3. Select the body. The entire part is highlighted.
4. Select the body again. Only the body is highlighted, and its sibling is no longer highlighted.
The smart selection filter works with Bodies. For more information, see To Select a Geometry Using Smart Selection.
To Include Bodies in a Search
To include bodies when searching with MCAD attributes, follow these steps:
1. Click Home > Find > Search.The Search Product Structure dialog box opens.
2. In Do query of type, select Attribute. The dialog box updates.
3. Select the Include Bodies check box.
For more information, and the detailed steps for search using MCAD attributes, see To Search Using MCAD Attributes.
Affected Areas
The following table lists areas of Creo View and a description of the impact of viewing multibody parts on each area:
Add bodies to groups.
Assemble Tools
Cannot select bodies to assemble their independent parent part.
Smart Explode
Cannot explode within a part.
Body Attribute
On the selection of body node, the body attributes are listed in the Lower Data Panel.
Search for bodies names and attributes, and include bodies in search queries for attributes. For more information, see About Selecting and Searching.
Association markup, such as leader, can be associated with the body, and not the whole part.
The selection of the body for measurement, summary, and mass property calculates the details of the body.
Edit Structure
You cannot perform the following actions for bodies or part nodes that contain bodies:
Inset branch and branch link
Create child part
Add viewable
Merge branch link
Cut, copy and paste
Interference Detection
Multibody parts or assemblies with multibody parts do not support interference detection. You receive an error message when performing the analysis.
Design Check
Add design check tags and notes to the bodies.
Like parts, include or exclude bodies from a cross section.
Geometry Comparison
Bodies do not support geometry comparison. You receive an error message when performing a geometry comparison.
Bill of Materials
Bill of Materials calculation does not consider bodies in the reporting. It only reports until part level.