About Transparency
You can set the transparency of parts from 0% (opaque) to 100% (invisible) in any render mode. When you change the transparency setting, it only affects currently selected parts.
You can set the transparency of 3D symbols the same way you set the transparency of parts.
Creo Illustrate applies transparency to part surfaces (faces), but not edges. If the render mode shows edges, the edges are all you see at 100% transparency (similar to wireframe rendering). If the render mode does not show edges, the selected parts will be invisible at 100% transparency.
The transparency setting does not affect the objects listed below, even if they are currently selected:
“Phantom” parts (that have the semitransparent, grayscale Phantom style applied)
2D symbols
Annotations linked to the selected parts, such as callouts and references
You can make linked annotations invisible in any render mode by setting transparency to 100%. This applies to linked annotations on phantom parts as well.
A part’s transparency setting does not affect its selectability, nor the selectability of its geometric features. The part or its features will still be highlighted in the figure window when you select them, even at 100% transparency. They will also be pre-highlighted when the pointer hovers over them in the figure window.