What’s New in GDX
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Generative Design Extension (GDX) is updated to improve performance and to align with the changes in the Generative Design application in Creo Parametric.
Generative Design Extension (GDX) now displays error messages if a study fails or is not set up properly. An error message provides more information about the issue and a suggestion to resolve it.
Messages have been added for the following errors:
Unconverging result: This error occurs if something is incorrect about the setup. You should go back to Creo Parametric to check the setup.
Max iterations: This error occurs if the study doesn’t converge within the maximum number of iterations. You should go back to Creo Parametric to increase the maximum iterations and then resend the study to GDX.
Previously, if a study failed, no information was provided about the causes for the failure.
Generative Design Extension (GDX) now allows you to generate design variations in GDX by varying the target mass.
After generating designs in GDX, you can now generate additional designs with the same constraints at different mass targets.
Previously, it was possible to vary the volume percent target and the material spreading value in GDX. However, it was not possible to vary according to the mass target if that was how the design criteria were set up in Creo Parametric. With this enhancement, you can explore additional designs at different mass targets directly within GDX, without having to return to Creo Parametric.
Generative Design Extension (GDX) now allows you to generate design variations from an existing design in GDX.
After generating designs defined in Creo Parametric, you can now define design variations by setting a range for the volume target percent, or material spreading, or both. New design variations can be generated according to this range, with the number of points specified for the range.
Previously, it was necessary to create individual design criteria within Creo Parametric for each variation, so you could see designs with the same manufacturing constraints but for different volume targets. With this enhancement, you can investigate those variations directly within GDX, without having to return to Creo Parametric to add more design criteria.