Working with Sequences > Editing Sequence Steps > About Editing Sequence Steps
About Editing Sequence Steps
In Creo Illustrate, you can edit sequence steps after you create them, whether they contain animation or not.
A sequence is displayed with one type of projection. To change the projection for all steps, select Step 0 and then click Figure > Orthographic or Figure > Perspective. The projection is then applied to all steps in a sequence.
You can only edit one step at a time, and you must select the step before you can edit it. If you have multiple steps selected, editing is not available.
A sequence step has several editable properties. These are listed below:
Rename—Steps are sequentially named Step 1, Step 2, …Step n by default. You can change the default step name. The name appears in the lower left corner of the figure.
Acknowledge—Select this option to require the user to confirm step completion.
Notes Page—Select this option to add a description to the step.
You can also cut, copy, paste, and delete animation keys in the step. For more information, see Edit Sequence Steps Using the Animation Tasks Group.