Importing and Exporting Files > Publishing Figures > To Change the Publish Order for Figures
To Change the Publish Order for Figures
Use the Gallery View to set the publish order for figures.
1. In the Gallery View tab, set the publishing sequence by dragging and dropping the thumbnails.
2. Once the publishing sequence is established, click File > Publish > Settings. The Publish Settings dialog box opens.
3. The publish order of the figures is listed in the Publish Settings dialog box. Confirm that the figures are listed in the correct order.
4. Publish and open the figures or just publish the figures:
To publish the figures and automatically open them in Creo View, click File > Publish > Publish and View.
To publish the figures only, click File > Publish.
The Publish to PVZ File dialog box opens.
5. Accept the default location, the same folder in which the C3DI file is located, or browse to a new location.
6. To rename the file, type a name in the File name box. By default, name.c3di is saved as name.pvz.
7. Click Save. The selected figures are published. For a Publish and View operation, the figures open in Creo View.