Creo™ Schematics 4.0 Help Center > Working with Designs > Reports > Exporting Report Formats > To Save a Reports Result File as a Wire List
To Save a Reports Result File as a Wire List
1. In an open Wiring diagram, click Data > Format Report. The Format report dialog box opens. The Diagram Type is set to Wiring.
2. On the General tab, set the following options:
Report Type to Properties.
Search based on option to Criteria.
Partition to Design.
Class to Fiber.
3. On the Column tab, set the report columns.
4. On the Criteria tab, set the following criteria:
a. Click Add Parameter Column. The Parameter Selector dialog box opens.
b. Select the parameter type and click OK.
c. Select the OperatorNot Equal.
d. Click Set. The Select type dialog box opens.
e. Select CABLE under CONNECTION. CONNECTION!CABLE appears in the Value box.
5. To save the report format:
a. Click . The Save Report Format dialog box opens.
b. Type a name for the report file.
c. Select Report Files (*.rep) from the Type list.
d. Click OK.
6. Click . The Report Results dialog box opens.
7. To save the report results, click . The Report Output File dialog box opens.
8. Type a name for the file in the File name box, or accept the default name.
9. From the Type list, select CoCreate wire list (*.ecad).
10. Accept the filepath in the box at the top of the dialog box, or set a new path.
11. Click OK.