Creo™ Schematics 4.0 Help Center > Design Basics > Layers > To Configure Layer Properties
To Configure Layer Properties
1. In an open design, click View > Layer Control. The Layer Control dialog box opens.
2. Select one or more layers.
3. Click Properties, or right-click and choose Properties from the shortcut menu. The Layer Properties dialog box opens.
4. Click or clear the options:
Hide—Hides the shapes of items associated with the layer and automatically sets the layer as Unselectable.
Unselectable—Prevents the selection of any shape on the layer.
Protected—Prevents the modification of any shape on the layer.
Format—Defines the layer for use with sheet layout.
Set Color—Enables selected layer color for all shapes whenever Prefer color by layer is selected. Click the color button and select a color from the Select a Color dialog box.
5. Click Apply to apply the changes and to continue configuring options, or click OK.