Creo™ Schematics 4.0 Help Center > The Work Environment > To Change Design Settings
To Change Design Settings
When you set the design settings they are set for all designs you open until they are changed. They are not specific for the current design.
1. Click File > Options. The Creo Schematics Options dialog box opens.
2. Click Design. The Change design settings page opens.
3. Click or clear the following check boxes to change Edit settings.
Display rubber-band when editing lines—Displays the rubber band used when editing lines.
Retain default Catalog shape geometry when shape is opened—Retains default geometry on the sheet when creating catalog items.
Enable datum Point prompts for translation—Moves the selected object after you right-click and choose Move from the shortcut menu, and click a point on the sheet.
Automatically exit transformation tool after single operation—Exits a transformation tool automatically after a single operation. This command applies to transformation tools from the Diagramming tab. Transformation tools from the shortcut menu always quit after a single operation.
Display fiber preview when moving components—Controls the display of the preview of fiber paths when moving components.
Prevent hiding or deletion of connected ports when reordering—Prevents hiding or deleting connected ports when reordering members of a variable group.
Prevent deletion of empty group—Prevents the deletion of a group with no members. This option is not applicable to cables and pipelines.
4. Click or clear the following check box to change Name settings.
Automatically convert name format without a “#” to free name—Automatically assigns nonserial name formats as Free format
5. Click or clear the following check box to change Instancing settings.
Edit parameters following instancing of design elements—Automatically opens the shape Properties dialog box after you place an instance on a design sheet.
Build variable controls of instanced group—Determins how the variable groups build when instanced.
Downwards with label at top—Builds variable groups downwards (with the label at the top)
Upwards with label at bottom—Builds variable groups upwards (with the label at the bottom).
6. Click or clear the check boxes to change Fiber settings.
Maintain manual label relative position when editing fibers—Maintains the relative position of a manually placed fiber label when moving fibers.
Create through splice—Creates a Through wire splice type as the default. Clear the check box for a default Butt splice type.
7. Click or clear the check box to change Port settings.
Check if exit vectors of connecting ports are opposite—Considers port directions when creating component to component connections.
8. Click OK.