What's New Creo 4.0 > What’s New in Creo Schematics 4.0? > Verifying Circuit ID Consistency
Verifying Circuit ID Consistency
Reports identifying missing connections and verifying connections are available.
Release: Creo Schematics 4.0
Benefits and Description
You can watch a video that demonstrates this capability.
A missing connections report, identifies ports connected in the CID which are not connected in the WID. You can use this interactive report to perform the following actions:
Zoom to the selected component.
Route the missing wire.
Route the missing cable.
A verify connections report identifies inconsistent circuit identifiers between ports and fibers as described in the list below:
Circuit ID that is missing or unset
Circuit ID mismatch between the port and connected wiring fiber
Ports connected by fibers with different circuit ids
Ports connected by fibers that are only in the WID.
You can use this interactive report to perform the following actions:
Zoom to selected component.
Access port parameters.
Manually refresh the results.