Creo™ Schematics 4.0 Help Center > The Work Environment > Probes > Example: Tangent Probe
Example: Tangent Probe
The Tangent Probe creates a point on the nearest arc or circle. The line segment that joins the new point to the previous point is tangential to the arc or circle. This probe can be used only when creating or editing a line.
1. In an open sheet, click Geometry, and then click the arrow next to Line.
2. Select a line type from the list.
3. Position the pointer near an arc or circle and click.
4. While the line tool is still active, click .
5. Click near the arc or circle. A new tangent line is started, snapping to the arc or circle.
6. Click an endpoint for the line, right-click, and choose Exit Tool from the shortcut menu.