Creo™ Schematics 4.0 Help Center > Interconnect Diagrams > CID To WID Interconnect Diagrams > CID to WID Creation Workflow
CID to WID Creation Workflow
In the Catalog:
All component shapes must have the mates_with parameter. The mates_with parameter contains a comma separated list of values for finding a matching connector.
A parameter specified for connector shapes used to find a matching component. You specify this parameter in the CID to WID settings on the Change design settings page of the Creo Schematics Options dialog box. It is recommended to set the value for this parameter by a dataset.
For variable connectors, it is recommended that the num_of_pins parameter be set by a dataset. When you place these connectors, the number of pins automatically matches the number of pins on the component.
In the Circuit diagram:
Place circuit component shapes. Make sure the mates_with component parameter lists all connectors that will mate with it.
Route conductors. Make sure the circuit_id parameter on fiber instances contains a value that can be used to automate creation of the Wiring diagram.
In the Wiring diagram use the ribbon commands to:
Use the Place Components tool to place wiring component shapes.
When the mates_with parameter is set on components, you are prompted to mate connectors. You can also use the Mate Connectors tool to mate the connectors manually.
Use the circuit_id parameter to route wiring fibers.
Use the Verification tools to validate the design and help place missing components and connectors and correct missing or mismatched connections.