Creo™ Schematics 4.0 Help Center > Interconnect Diagrams > CID To WID Interconnect Diagrams > About the CID/WID Tab
About the CID/WID Tab
Use these tools to create Wiring interconnect diagrams from Circuit interconnect diagrams. Click CID to WID to open the CID/WID tab.
Wiring Group
Use the Wiring commands to place connectors and components on the Wiring design sheet.
Place Components—Opens the Place Wiring Components dialog box.
Mate Connectors—Prompts to select a wiring component and then opens a dialog box listing matching connectors.
Route Group
Use the Route commands to select the circuit to route and to route fibers.
Type a circuit ID in the box or click the arrow next to to display the following commands:
Select Circuit—Allows selecting a circuit fiber in the graphics window.
Select Circuit from Report—Opens the Select a Circuit Fiber dialog box.
Route Wire—Opens the Catalog Selector dialog box and highlights components in the selected circuit.
Route Cable—Opens the Catalog Selector dialog box and highlights components in the selected circuit.
Follow Wire—Prompts to select a fiber to follow, a start port, and an end port.
Verify Group
Use the commands in the Verify group to make sure all components, connectors, and conductors are placed, mated, and connected in the Wiring diagram are based on the Circuit diagram.
Components—Click the arrow to run reports for missing connectors and components.
Component Shapes—Opens the Missing Component Shapes dialog box.
Matching Connectors—Opens the Components with Missing Connectors dialog box.
Connectivity—Click the arrow to run connectivity reports.
Circuit Connectivity—Opens the Circuit Connectivity Verification Results dialog box.
Port Connectivity—Opens the Components Ports with Mismatched Connections dialog box.
Parameters—Click the arrow to run parameter reports.
Wire Gauge—Opens the Wire Gauge Verification Results dialog box.
Wire Color—Opens the Wire Color Verification Results dialog box.