Creo™ Schematics 4.0 Help Center > Working with Designs > Reports > About Formatting Connection Reports
About Formatting Connection Reports
The Trace and Trace Criteria tabs on the Format report dialog box are available when a connection report is created. Use the Trace tab options to control connection tracing in a connection report:
Show Classes
Block—Display blocks with ports connected to the source component
Fiber—Display fibers with ports connected to the source component
Group—Display groups with descendent ports connected to the source component
Show Columns
Show start port—Display ports that start the connection tracing
If Show start port is not selected, the parent component is displayed.
Show connected port—Display ports connected to the seed port
If Show connected port is not selected, the parent component is displayed.
Duplicate start columns—Creates separate columns for the source component and traced components when cleared. You can add the required columns for the traced components in the Trace Column tab. In the resulting reports, columns specified in the Column tab display report results for source components. Columns specified in the Trace Column tab display report results for traced components.
Show Flags
Connected—Display all connected source components defined in the Criteria tab.
Disconnected—Display all source components defined in the Criteria tab.
Internal—Display all components that are internally connected to a source component through a block or a fiber
Trace Through
Block—Trace through internally connected blocks
Fiber—Trace through internally connected fibers
Max Steps—Defines the number of steps to trace a connection from a given source point. Type 0 to disable, or type 1 for most standard wire type reports.