Creo™ Schematics 4.0 Help Center > Design Basics > Labels > Label Format Strings > About Calling Functions from Labels
About Calling Functions from Labels
Use special characters to call functions that define complex label string formatting:
For an internal function, use parentheses ( ) to enclose the list of parameters passed to the function. Use square brackets [ ] to enclose both the name of the function to call and the list of parameters. For example, [report_from_to(from,name,port)].
For a Java method, use parentheses ( ) for the list of parameters passed to the function and curly brackets { } to enclose the name of the function to call and the list of functions. For example, {UserFunctions.userMethod(param1,param2)}.
Use a comma to separate parameters in both the above functions.
You can use the Java API to define other functions for label format strings.
Java methods are always called using the class.method() notation.