What's New: Creo Parametric > Data Exchange > Opening Inventor Files Through Creo Unite
Opening Inventor Files Through Creo Unite
You can open Inventor files directly through Creo Unite.
User Interface Location: Click File > Open and then in the Type box, select Inventor.
Release: Creo Parametric
Watch a video that demonstrates this enhancement:
You can also watch this video on the PTC Learning Connector: Opening Inventor Files Through Creo Unite
What is the benefit of this enhancement?
Creo Unite support is extended so that you can open native Autodesk Inventor files in Creo Parametric without the need to import and then convert to a neutral format. With support for Autodesk Inventor 2018 and earlier, you can use your Inventor files in all modes of Creo Parametric, such when working in assemblies and simulations.
With the new Creo Collaboration Extension for Inventor, Inventor files in Creo Parametric are always be up-to-date. As the Inventor files change, Creo Parametric updates the files to the latest revision giving you increased confidence that you are working with the latest design.
With this enhancement, working in a multicad environment is easier. You can work with your Inventor models without the added step of converting them to a neutral format.
Additional Information
No known limitations
Does this replace existing functionality?
This is new functionality for Creo Unite technology.
Configuration options associated with this functionality: