Creo Legacy Migration > Matching Annotations > About Matching Legacy Annotations with Drawing Annotations
About Matching Legacy Annotations with Drawing Annotations
A few legacy annotations can remain unmapped even after you create and map model views with the 2D views of the legacy drawings. When the views are mapped, the legacy annotations are also automatically mapped as the associated dimensions, notes, and symbols.
After you use the Map > Copy Annotations command to automatically map the legacy annotations with the associative annotations of the mapped model views, you can click Utilities/Settings > Validate Association and use the Validate LDA Associations dialog box to check for the legacy annotations such as dimensions and notes that remain unmapped. With Dimensions and Notes selected in the Validate LDA Associations dialog box, you can click Show unmapped to verify the unmapped dimensions and notes of each mapped view of the legacy drawing. You can then select the unmapped dimensions and notes by their IDs in the Validate LDA Associations dialog box to cross-highlight, pan, and zoom them on the legacy drawing before you associate them with draft annotations on the drawing. You can thereafter click Refit on the Graphics toolbar or click View > Orientation > Refit to refit the legacy drawing to the graphics window.
You can then select an unmapped legacy dimension or note on the drawing and click Annotations > Match Annotation to associate the unmapped legacy dimension or note with a draft dimension or note that you select on the drawing. You can also select a set of draft entities that belong to the same drawing view as the unmapped legacy dimension or note. The Match Annotation command is available for use on the Annotations tab only when you select the unmapped legacy dimensions or notes.
* Do not use the Annotations > Match Annotation command without using the Map > Create Model Views and the Map > Copy Annotations commands to map the drawing views to the model views and automatically map the legacy annotations with the associated draft annotations of the mapped views.
You can use commands on the Annotations tab of Legacy Migration to create the draft dimensions and notes for the match operation. When you select a newly-created draft dimension or note, the Match Annotation command maps the unmapped legacy dimension or note that you selected with the newly-created draft dimension or note. However, you must make sure that the newly-created draft dimension or note belongs to the model view that is mapped and associated with the corresponding drawing view to which the unmapped legacy annotation belongs.
* You cannot use the Annotations > Match Annotation command to match background notes and draft entities that do not belong to any view on the legacy drawing.
When you match the legacy annotations with draft annotations on the drawing, the Match Annotation command performs the following tasks:
Applies the attributes of the legacy annotations to the draft annotations.
Replaces the legacy annotations with the newly-created associative draft annotations.
Removes the legacy annotations from the drawing and cleans up the drawing.
Places the legacy annotations on hidden layers so that the legacy annotations are no longer visible on the drawing.
You can click Utilities/Settings > Validate Association and use the Validate LDA Associations dialog box to verify whether the Match Annotation command has mapped the legacy annotations.
If the legacy annotations are incorrectly mapped to the draft annotations or if the matched annotations do not suit your design intent, you can select the associated annotations on the drawing and click Annotations > Unmatch Annotation. The association between the legacy annotations and the newly-created draft annotations are removed. The legacy annotations are then moved from the hidden layers and are visible on the drawing along with the draft annotations you created for the match operation.