Interface > Working with Imported Geometry > Redefining Imported Features > About Matching Reference Entities of Redefined Import Features
About Matching Reference Entities of Redefined Import Features
When you reload geometry and redefine import features, the default selection of Options > Automatic Reference Pairs Matching on the Import tab makes sure that the reference entities between the original and the new geometry are automatically matched and reference pairs created to maintain child feature references. For ATB-enabled import features, the reference entities are automatically matched and reference pairs created based on their ATB ID mapping tables.
However, incomplete reference pairs can exist between the original and the new geometry for various reasons.
You may have accidently deleted a reference entity while using the Import DataDoctor or the facet editing tool.
If the import feature is ATB-enabled, the file reload or the redefinition of the imported feature may have resulted in the loss or modification of a few reference IDs.
You may have cleared the default selection of Options > Automatic Reference Pairs Matching on the Import tab while reloading the source file of the import feature.
* You cannot clear the default selection of the Options > Automatic Reference Pairs Matching option when you reload or redefine ATB-enabled import features.
Creo warns you about these incomplete reference pairs, especially when the entities are parents of downstream features. You can then click Options > Reference Pairs Matching and use the Reference Pairs dialog box to complete matching the reference entities and the creation of the reference pairs.
You can display complete or incomplete reference pairs based on the selection of the Show Complete Pairs check box in the Reference Pairs dialog box. Based on the selection of the Show Pairs without Local Children check box, you can view the list of incomplete reference pairs with local and external child references. You can use the Reference Type option in the Reference Pairs dialog box to filter reference pairs by their geometric type and match and create reference pairs of specific entity types. You can also use this filter to identify the geometry type of the reference pairs. Set Reference Type to All References to match entities regardless of their geometric type. For ATB-enabled import features, you can match entities and create reference pairs based on their ID mapping tables.
You can use the option in the Reference Pairs dialog box or right-click and click Add Reference Pair to create additional reference pairs, especially when you reload geometry that is dissimilar to the existing geometry or when the source files are outdated. However, when you select geometric entities in the original and new geometry to create the reference pairs, make sure that the entities do not belong to existing reference pairs.
Click in the Reference Pairs dialog box or right-click and click Delete Reference Pair to delete the selected reference pairs. If an entity of the reference pair is the parent of a downstream child feature, the application warns you that deleting the pair will result in downstream feature failure. You can abort the deletion of the reference pair or ignore the warning and continue with the deletion of the reference pair.