Creo Advanced Framework > Using Creo Advanced Framework > Working with Drawing Tools > To Save Automatically–Created Component Drawings
To Save Automatically–Created Component Drawings
When a saved library component template drawing exists in the same library folder as the component, the template drawing is saved, copied, and renamed when an instance of the component is assembled. The saved drawing is in memory but is not saved in the working directory.
To save automatically created drawings:
1. On the Framework tab, click Drawing Tools > Save all component drawings. All drawings are saved.
2. To save the drawings of a selected component, click Drawing tools > Save selected component drawings. Select the components. The drawings are saved.
* Steel beam template drawings already exist in the component library. You can customize them in Creo Parametric Drawing mode. Standard Creo Advanced Framework template drawings only are copied if the configuration option COPY_STANDARD_DRAWINGS_FROM_LIBRARY is set to YES . You must create and save template drawings for other components.