Diseños eléctricos > Manipulating Diagram Objects > Copying Diagram Objects > Copying Objects
Copying Objects
Using Edit > Copy, you can copy drawing items, not only from within the same diagram, but also from one diagram to another. Items that you copy from one diagram to another retain the same reference designator. However, if the target diagram has an item with a reference designator that is the same as the copied item, Diagram appends the suffix _cN, where N is a number, to the reference designator of the copied item in the target diagram.
The following guidelines can be helpful as you use the Copy option:
If you copy a cable or wire, but the spool for the cable or wire does not exist in the target diagram drawing, Diagram copies the spool along with the cable or wire.
If you copy a cable or wire, but a spool for the cable or diagram has the same name as an existing spool in the target diagram, Diagram compares their parameters.
If the parameters for the two spools are different, it copies the spool from the source diagram and gives this spool a nonconflicting name by appending the suffix _cN, where N is a number, to the spool name. The copied wire or cable references this new spool. It also copies relevant symbol definitions, if they do not already exist in the target diagram.
When you copy items from one diagram to another, Diagram does not copy layer information from any source items to the target diagram.
Note that, because no two items in a diagram can have the same reference designator, Diagram appends the suffix _cN, where N is a number, to the reference designator of each copied symbol in the diagram. You can change this reference designator later.