What's New: Creo Parametric 9.0 > > Part Modeling > New Option to Auto Scale the First Sketch
New Option to Auto Scale the First Sketch
User Interface Location: Click Model > Sketch.
Release: Creo Parametric
What is the benefit of this enhancement?
You can now use the new option to automatically scale the first sketch when you initially modify a weak linear dimension.
When you use this option, the following smart conditions apply:
Auto scaling, typically, applies only when the initial model outline is not yet changed by a preceding feature. For example, the first sketch of a model that does not yet contain geometry. There are a few exceptions, such as Analysis feature, convert to sheet metal feature, etc.
Auto scaling is not triggered in the following conditions:
When dragging a dimension instead of typing an explicit value.
When using the Modify Dimension user interface.
During and after redefining the first sketch.
Previously, it was cumbersome getting to the right scale if the scale of the initial sketch geometry was significantly smaller or larger than required.
This enhancement has improved the usability of creating and dimensioning the initial sketch.
Additional Information
The Lock modified dimensions setting applies only to the explicitly modified weak dimensions, and not to the automatically scaled dimensions.
Does this replace existing functionality?
Configuration option associated with this functionality:
sketcher_auto_scale_dimensions *yes/no
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