What's New: Creo Parametric 9.0 > > Model-Based Definition > New Gallery of Surface Finish Symbols
New Gallery of Surface Finish Symbols
A new gallery layout is added for browsing all system and user-defined surface finish symbols in one place.
User Interface Location: Click Annotate > Surface Finish > Gallery.
Release: Creo Parametric
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What is the benefit of this enhancement?
The new gallery lists all surface finish symbols that are defined in the pro_surface_finish_dir configuration option, and the system surface finish symbols if the configuration option is not defined. The gallery lists the content of each folder under separate groups that could be expanded or collapsed. This enhancement is useful when you place surface finish symbols in models or drawings.
The new gallery also supports several thumbnail size display options and a name-based search for the entire gallery of surface finish symbols.
The first group of the gallery shows the recently used surface finish symbols, and enables you to pin individual surface finish symbols in the Pinned group in the gallery. To pin a surface finish symbol, activate the shortcut menu on a surface finish symbol that you want to pin and select the Pin to gallery option.
This enhancement enables a modern, interactive way to navigate through the surface finish symbols gallery. The behavior is aligned with the gallery that was introduced for regular symbols in Creo Parametric
Additional Information
No known limitations.
Does this replace existing functionality?
Yes, it is the new way for browsing surface finish symbols.
Configuration option associated with this functionality:
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