What's New: Creo Parametric 9.0 > > Part Modeling > Hole Feature Enhancements
Hole Feature Enhancements
Some enhancements have been added to reduce the number of user inputs required when creating and editing holes.
User Interface Location: Click Model > Hole.
Release: Creo Parametric
What is the benefit of this enhancement?
You can have improved flexibility when defining and updating standard holes.
The benefits of the hole feature enhancements are:
For standard clearance holes—New control option for defining the default fit type during creation. Previously, users had to remember to set the Fit options, particularly for the applications where the default option was not the desired one. The new control option has reduced the need to explicitly set or change default fit type during the feature creation. This control option is also available for Creo 8.0.3.
For standard hole notes—It offers flexibility to define the update behavior of standard hole notes. You can choose between:
Reduced updates (at the time of creation or when performing a major change to the definition). This is the default behavior and avoids overriding manual note modifications.
Always reflecting hole type changes in the hole note upon re-definition. Manually applied modifications of the hole note are overwritten. This enhancement is also available in Creo 8.0.3.
Improved detection to determine whether a regeneration is required after the bounding box increases its size, for assembly hole regeneration.
This enhancement is also available in Creo 8.0.3.
Additional Information
No known limitations.
Does this replace existing functionality?
Configuration option associated with this functionality:
For Standard Clearance Holes—default_fit_clearance_hole *Close / Medium / Free Fit
For Update Control for Standard Holes Notes—reset_hole_note_at_edit yes/*no
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