Mirroring Extrudes
1. In the Model Tree, right-click Sketch 1, and click Hide.
2. On the Model tab, click Extrude from the Shapes group. The Extrude tab opens.
3. Select the surface as shown in the following figure. The Sketch tab opens.
4. Right-click in the graphics window and click References. The References dialog box opens.
5. In the Model Tree, select the datum planes PIN_PLN and FRONT. The datum plane names appear in the box.
6. Click Close.
7. On the Graphics toolbar, click Sketch View.
8. Click Center and Point from the Sketching group.
a. Click at the intersection of the reference planes to define the center of the circle.
b. Move the pointer away and click again to specify the diameter.
9. Middle-click to exit the Center and Point tool.
10. Double-click the diameter dimension, edit the value to 30, and press ENTER.
11. Right-click in the graphics window and click Save the sketch and exit.
12. On the Extrude tab, edit the value of the depth to 1.5, and click .
13. With the Extrude 7 still selected, click Mirror from the Editing group. The Mirror tab opens.
14. In the Model Tree, select the datum plane RIGHT and click .
15. On the Graphics toolbar, click Saved Orientations, and click Default Orientation.
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