Creo Simulation Live User Interface
To access the Creo Simulation Live user interface, select the Live Simulation tab.
The user interface contains the following groups, commands, and shortcuts:
• Study
Add Simulation—Creates the following simulation studies:
▪ ![](../../simulate/simulation_live/images/sim_analysis_static16x16.png)
—Structure simulation study.
▪ ![](../../simulate/simulation_live/images/sim_analysis_steady_thermal16x16.png)
—Thermal simulation study.
▪ ![](../../simulate/simulation_live/images/sim_analysis_modal16x16.png)
—Modal simulation study.
▪ ![](../../simulate/simulation_live/images/cfd_analysis.png)
—Internal or external fluid simulation study.
Import Existing Simulation—Imports existing simulation studies.
Performance Options—Adjusts the trade-off between speed and accuracy. Move the slider to the right for increased accuracy, but slower speed of simulation. Move the slider to the left to increase the speed of the simulation, at the cost of accuracy. Use the configuration option
sim_live_result_quality to set the default value of accuracy of live simulation. The value varies from 0.05 to 1.0, and can be changed by multiples of 0.05.
Simulate—Starts live simulation. A fringe plot of the simulation results are displayed on the model in the graphics window. The results legend is displayed in the top right corner of the graphics window.
Pause Simulation—Pauses live simulation. Available only for fluid simulation and transient thermal simulation.
• Constraints—You can create the following structure constraints for structural and modal analyses:
Fixed—Prevents translational motion of a surface in any direction.
Displacement—Allows movement of the selected surface by a prescribed value.
Pin—Controls the axial movement of a cylindrical surface, while allowing angular movement, and keeping radial movement fixed.
Ball—A ball joint where the translation is fixed and the rotation is free
• Boundary Conditions—You can create the following thermal boundary conditions for thermal and flow analyses:
Prescribed Temperature—Prescribed temperature boundary condition.
Convection—Convection boundary condition.
Convection Radiation—Combines both convection and radiation conditions. Only available for fluid simulation studies.
Initial Temperature—Sets the temperature of selected components at the start of the simulation. Only available for transient thermal studies.
You can create the following boundary conditions for internal or external fluid simulation studies:
Flow Velocity—Flow velocity at an inlet.
Inlet Pressure—Pressure at an inlet.
Outlet Pressure—Pressure at an outlet.
Mass Flow—Mass flow rate at an inlet.
Slip Symmetry—When this boundary condition is applied to a wall, the fluid flows along the wall without friction, instead of stopping at the wall.
Swirl Inlet—Specifies the inlet velocity as the sum of two separate components, a component normal to the boundary (axial velocity) and a component with a radial velocity.
Rotating Wall—Simulates rotating parts without any actual physical movement of the parts.
• Loads
You can create the following structure loads for your model:
Force—Force load on a surface.
Moment—Moment load on a surface.
Pressure—Pressure load on a surface.
Gravity—Gravity load for the model.
Centrifugal—Centrifugal load for the model.
Linear Acceleration—Linear acceleration load applied to a body, or multiple bodies in a model.
You can also create the following thermal loads:
Heat Flow—Sets the rate of heat energy transfer of selected surfaces.
Heat Flux—Sets the rate of heat energy transfer per unit area of a selected surface.
• Display Options
Results—Toggles the display of results.
Animate Deformation—Shows the deformation animation and animates it.
Simulation Objects Display—Toggles the display of simulation objects in the graphics window.
• Query
Simulation Probe—Enables viewing and saving result quantities for a simulation study at a specific point, or the maximum or minimum value for a specific surface.
◦ ![](../../simulate/simulation_live/images/report16x16.png)
—Generates and displays a summary of active simulation results in a browser.
Simulation Tree
The Simulation Tree lists all the simulation studies, loads, and constraints for a model. You can access items on the Simulation Tree only from the Live Simulation tab.
Model Tree
The Model tree lists all simulation studies for a model. It does not list loads and constraints. Select a simulation study from the Model Tree and click
to activate it.
In-graphics Toolbar
You can use these buttons from the In-graphics toolbar for the following live simulation operations:
• Click
—Starts live simulation.
• Click
—Pauses live simulation.
• Click
—Changes the animation display options.
Shortcut Menus
Right-click a simulation study in the Simulation Tree to access the following shortcut menu commands:
Delete—Deletes the selected simulation study, load, or constraint which is not in the active state.
Copy—Copies the selected load or constraint to the clipboard. Use the keyboard short-cut CTRL+V to paste the copied load or constraint.
• Duplicate—Creates a copy of the simulation study along with the defined loads and constraints.
Rename—Renames the selected simulation study, load, or constraint. You can also use the shortcut F2 to rename an entity.
Activate—Sets the selected simulation study to the active state.
Selection Filter
By default, the selection filter is set to Geometry on the Live Simulation tab. You can select loads and constraints from the model by setting the value of the selection filter to Loads/Constraints.
When working with fluid simulation studies you can select fluid flow objects by setting the value of the selection filter to Fluid Objects.