Creo Flow Analysis > Creating FNF File For Structural Simulation
Creating FNF File For Structural Simulation
The pressure data on the walls from flow analysis simulations can be exported as fnf files. This fnf file is then imported into Creo Simulate to map pressure load onto the structural simulation.
To create the fnf file, set up the model or assembly for which you want to create the fnf file. Before you run the simulation, create the fnf file using the following steps:
1. In the Flow Analysis Tree, under Boundary Conditions > General Boundaries > Default, select the wall surface for which you will export the pressure data.
2. In the Model tab, for Flow, set Output to User Select.
3. Under Output, set Pressure Distribution to Yes.
4. Under Pressure Distribution, set File Format to Creo Simulate.
5. Click Run to run the simulation.
6. Click OK when the simulation is complete.
7. Open the working directory. A file appears, whose name has the format <Assembly Name>_<Selected Wall name>_pressure.fnf. This is the fnf file which has the pressure load information for the wall surface under its Loads section.
8. Rename this fnf file with a name that has a maximum of sixteen characters.
A file name that has more than sixteen characters in length will generate an error.
9. You can use this file to run structural simulations at the links given below.
Similarly, the temperature distribution for a flow analysis can also be exported as an fnf file.
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