Fitting Library Creation
About Creating Library Fitting Parts
Follow the general process when creating library fitting parts:
1. Create the fitting geometry.
2. Create the fitting ports.
3. Specify the inlet port.
4. Orient the stem axis.
5. Assign the fitting parameters.
6. Specify the mating plane.
Rules and Naming Conventions to Create Library Parts
The system of units for a library part is determined based on the fitting library standard. Ensure that all the library parts for a given standard are created using the same system of units.
Prepare template parts for each of the piping standards. Use these template parts to create individual library parts for the respective piping standards.
Delete all redundant features from the library part to create the geometry efficiently.
Follow the rules given below to define a Family Table for library parts:
Insert the SIZE column after the Instance Name column.
Insert the NEW_SIZE or the BRANCH_SIZE column, whichever is applicable, after the SIZE column.
All other columns that represent linear dimensions of the fitting must follow the above columns in the Family Table.
Create relations wherever possible to minimize the number of columns in the Family Table.
If the values remain constant in a particular column, delete such redundant columns.
Assign a descriptive name to all the Family Table column headings and name it consistently across library parts.
Create a fitting with consistent and uniform orientation.
Optionally, create bolt holes for fitting libraries. To achieve a proper bolt hole alignment between the various flanged fittings:
The first bolt hole in all the flanged fittings must be located at the same angular location with reference to the positive y-axis of the inlet port.
Bolt holes on the flanged end must be symmetric about the y-axis of the inlet port.
Save the library part in the default view.
To Create a Template for a Library Part
1. Activate a new Creo Parametric part.
2. Specify the required system of units.
3. Create the default datum planes.
4. Set the default orientation of the part to Isometric.
5. Create the FITTING_GEOMETRY, FITTING_DATUM, and FITTING_PORTS layers. Make the FITTING_GEOMETRY and FITTING_DATUM layers invisible and the FITTING_PORTS layer visible.
During the creation of the actual library part, the fitting solid features are associated with the FITTING_GEOMETRY layer. The fitting inlet, fitting outlet, and the branch ports are associated with the FITTING_PORTS layer. All other datum features are associated with the FITTING_DATUM layer.
Tip: Creating Library Parts
The following are some best practices to accurately create library parts:
Study the drawings and details accurately before you start modeling.
Understand the design intent before you plan your work.
Use a common configuration file to create different library parts.
Use function keys to achieve consistency and speed.
Copy features or use existing patterns instead of creating additional individual features.
Minimize the feature count as much as possible.
Avoid creating solids that do not have any association with other solids during any intermediate step of part creation.
Avoid saving library parts with suppressed features.
Group various features together and name the group accordingly.
Ensure that no errors or warning messages appear when a feature is regenerated.
Fitting Library Creation Rules
Follow the rules given below when creating a library fitting:
Rule 1— Create a fitting with a minimum of one or more ports.
The z-axis of the inlet port represents the fitting axis that is aligned with the pipe segment during insertion.
The ports need not be created in any particular sequence and their names are user-definable. Of the two ports, one must be defined as the inlet port. By convention, the port with the SIZE parameter is defined as the inlet port.
Rule 2— Make sure that the positive z-axis direction of every port in a fitting is perpendicular to the fitting face at the respective port and oriented to point outward from the fitting.
This rule applies to all fittings.
Rule 3
For In-line fittings, if there are two or more ports, the z-axes of two of the ports must be collinear with the inlet port.
For In-line Eccentric fittings, if there are two or more ports, they must be parallel to the local z-axis. The outlet port should be offset in the y-axis from the inlet with its z-axis parallel to the z-axis of the inlet port.
For Corner fittings, if there are two or more ports, you must include an angle equal to the vertex angle where the fitting is inserted.
Rule 4— For Lateral fittings, the y-axis of the inlet port and the z-axis of the lateral outlet port must include an angle equal to the lateral angle of the fitting.
The inlet port will be is aligned with the pipeline segment during fitting insertion.
Locate the outlet port along the lateral axis that lies on the inlet ports z-y plane of the fitting.
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