Part Modeling > Edit Features > Copy and Paste > Using Paste Special > About the Advanced Reference Configuration User Interface
About the Advanced Reference Configuration User Interface
Using the Advanced Reference Configuration dialog box, you can paste a feature by mapping references of the original feature to new references. You can use the original or new references within the same model, or use new references when you copy the feature and paste it into a different model. You can only retain or change the references of the copied instances and not their settings or dimensions through the Advanced Reference Configuration dialog box. When you click Advanced reference configuration in the Paste Special dialog box, the Advanced Reference Configuration dialog box opens.
The Advanced Reference Configuration dialog box contains the following options:
References of original features list—Displays external references of the original feature. You can select a reference to replace it with a new one. You can also choose to preserve an original reference.
Create new body check box—Creates new bodies to be used as references in the copies.
Reset—Restores the original reference if you select a new reference and then want to return to the original one.
Reference collector—The selected reference is listed in the collector under Reference of pasted features. To remove the listed item, right-click the collector and click Remove. To obtain information about the selected item, right-click the collector and click Information.
If you leave this collector empty, then the pasted feature that uses this reference fails, and the feature-creation tool opens to resolve the reference.
Used by—Lists the features that use the selected reference.
For a set of features that is copied and pasted across models, the Advanced Reference Configuration dialog box opens for individual external references. You must specify the external references of each copied feature in the feature set.
For multiple features that are dimension-dependent, the Advanced Reference Configuration dialog box lists all the references.
You are not prompted to specify references that are internal to the set of features. For example, when an extrude feature with embedded datums is copied and pasted across models, you can only specify the references of the embedded datums and not the references of the extrude feature.
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