Part Modeling > Edit Features > Copy and Paste > About Copying and Pasting
About Copying and Pasting
Use the Copy, Paste, and Paste Special commands to duplicate and place features or sets of features, geometry, curves, bodies, and edge chains within the same model or across models. As long as the copied feature, feature set, or geometry is available on the clipboard, you can create many instances of a feature, a set of features, or geometry, without copying the feature or geometry after each paste operation.
Copying Features
When you copy features, you can perform these actions:
Copy and paste features between two different models or between two different versions of the same part.
Create independent, partially dependent, or fully dependent instances of the original feature or the set of features.
Retain or change the references, settings, and dimensions of the original feature in one or all instances of its copy.
Create dependent copies and vary the dependency of attributes and elements, such as dimensions, sketches, annotations, references, and parameters.
If the original set of features is grouped, the copied instances are also automatically grouped. But features that were not grouped previously are not automatically grouped after a copy-paste operation.
Copy is not available when you select a pattern member. Copy is available only when the pattern header is selected.
Copying to the Clipboard
When you copy a feature or geometry, it is copied to the clipboard and is available for pasting with its references, settings, and dimensions, until another item is copied to the clipboard. The data on the clipboard does not change after it is copied, regardless of any change made to the original item that was copied, or to any of the pasted instances.
Repeated pasting of a copied item or the cancellation of a paste operation does not clear the clipboard. The content of the clipboard might be cleared by some operations, or due to feature failures.
Accessing Copy-Paste Commands
The Copy, Paste, and Paste Special commands are accessible on the Model tab. Paste and Paste Special are available only if items are available for pasting on the clipboard. Alternatively, you can invoke the copy and paste functions by using the keyboard shortcuts:
CTRL+ C—Copies the selected items onto the clipboard.
CTRL+ V—Pastes the selected items. The paste user interface depends on the content of the clipboard.
Pasting Features
There are two commands for pasting features:
Model > Paste opens the feature-creation tool to redefine the copied feature.
Model > Paste Special opens the Paste Special dialog box that includes the following options:
Create fully-dependent copies of a feature with their dependency varying on specific elements or attributes of the original feature, such as dimensions, sketch, annotation elements, references, and parameters.
Create copies of a feature that are only dependent on the dimensions or the sketch, or both, and the annotation elements.
Apply move or rotational transformations to the pasted instances.
Retain the references of the original feature or replace the original references with new references in the copied instances.
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