About Table Patterns
You can pattern features using a table pattern.
Pattern tables allow you to create complicated or irregular patterns of features or groups by letting you specify unique dimensions for each instance in the pattern through an editable table.
Multiple tables can be established for a pattern, so you can change the pattern by switching the table that drives it.
You can modify a pattern table at any time after you create the pattern. Suppressing or deleting a table-driven pattern suppresses or deletes the pattern leader as well.
If you redefine dimension, direction, or axis pattern types as a table pattern, the table in the table pattern displays values only if the selected pattern has a secondary dimension. The table is empty if you select a fill pattern, curve pattern, direction pattern without a secondary dimension, or an axis pattern without a secondary dimension.
You can use pattern tables in Assembly mode to pattern assembly features and components.
Pattern tables are not family tables. Pattern tables can only drive pattern dimensions, and unless they are unpatterned, pattern instances cannot be made independent.
You can also include pattern tables in family tables so a particular family instance can use a specified pattern table.
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