Mold Design and Casting > Creating Mold and Cast Features > Trim to Geom > To Use the Trim to Geom Feature in Mold Mode
To Use the Trim to Geom Feature in Mold Mode
1. Click Mold > Trim to Geometry. The MOLD MDL TYP menu appears.
2. Click Workpiece, Mld Base Cmp, or Mold Comp. The TRIM TO GEOM dialog box opens.
3. Click Body, Quilt, or Plane to specify the type of object to use for trimming.
4. To select a bounding object, click under Reference and select a reference part.
5. If you are trimming by a body, click the Trim Type. Click From First to trim from the first intersecting surface of the body or From Last to trim from the last intersecting surface of the body.
6. To trim with an offset from the bounding surface, type the value in the Offset box.
7. To preview the feature before you create it, click .
8. To create the feature, click .
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