About the Trim to Geom Feature
The Trim to Geom feature in Mold Design and Casting allows the trimming of body or volume geometry that is the result of an intersection with reference geometry. References for the Trim to Geom feature can be a body, quilt, or plane. If the intersected referenced object is a body or closed quilt, then you can select the first or last intersection for trimming using Trim Type in the TRIM TO GEOM dialog box. The Direction bar in the dialog box lets you select the side of the trimmed solid to cut.
When you trim a body, a part-level feature is created on the part.
When you trim a mold or cast volume, a feature is created at the Mold Design assembly level.
The Trim to Geom Dialog Box
The TRIM TO GEOM dialog box opens when you click Trim to Geometry in Mold, Cast, Mold Layout Assembly or Mold/Casting. The items in this dialog box are:
Ref Type—Click the type of object to use as a reference. In Part mode, you cannot select body references.
Reference—Select an object to use as a reference for trimming. To select the object, use the GET SELECT menu.
Direction—Define the direction of the cut using the standard direction utility.
Trim Type—Click From First to trim geometry after the first intersection with reference geometry. Click From Last to trim geometry after the last intersection with reference geometry. Trim Type is available only when using Body as a reference.
Offset—Enter a positive or negative value that defines the offset from the bounding surface. The default value is 0.
Tree—The tree lists the elements of the feature. Use the tree to select elements you want to redefine.
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