To Select Surface Types
1. Click Select on the GATHER STEPS menu to select reference surfaces for gathering the volume. There are two ways to select reference surfaces:
Surf & Bnd—Select one surface to be the seed surface for the feature, an then select the bounding surfaces. The system includes the selected surface and all its neighboring surfaces until the ones selected as bounding.
Surfaces—Explicitly select a set of continuous surfaces. The system includes all the selected surfaces.
Surf & Bnd and Surfaces are mutually exclusive methods of selecting surfaces. If you select either command from the GATHER SEL menu, the previous selections are discarded.
All surfaces included in the volume definition are "sewn" together to form a single quilt, which you can modify later using Exclude and Fill. The commands available and modification techniques depend on the way of selecting surfaces.
2. When you select Surf & Bnd as the gather type, the SURF BND menu appears with the following commands:
Seed Surface—Select a seed surface. If a seed surface has already been selected, the system prompts you to confirm your selection if you try to select a different one.
Bndry Srfs—Select bounding surfaces using the FEATURE REFS menu commands.
Bndry Loops—Select bounding loops using the FEATURE REFS menu commands.
3. When you select Surfaces as the gather type, or when you begin selecting bounding surfaces, the FEATURE REFS menu appears with the following:
Add—Select additional references (this is the only command available when you start defining the volume or surface).
Remove—Clear some of the references. Select surfaces or loops you want to clear.
Remove All—Clear all references of the current type. For example, if Bndry Srfs is highlighted, click Remove All to clear the definition of bounding surfaces.
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