Creo Manikin > Reaching > To Reach for a Target
To Reach for a Target
A manikin segment or point on the manikin can reach for a point in the scene.
1. To display datum points, on the Graphics toolbar, click Datum Display Filters > Point Display.
2. Click Manikin > Reach. The Manikin Reach dialog box opens.
3. To define the part of the manikin that reaches for an object, with the Manikin location collector active, select a manikin segment or a point on the manikin.
A point appears in the collector. For some manikin segments, you can select a different point on the same segment.
4. To define the target for which the manikin reaches, with the Target point collector active, select a datum point, edge vertex, curve end, or point on surface. A point appears in the collector.
5. To create a constraint between the point on the manikin and the target point in the scene, select the Create constraint check box.
The constraint appears under the Manikin Constraints node of the manikin in the Manikin Tree after you click OK. The result depends on whether the point on the manikin reaches the target point:
Point on manikin reaches the target:
An alignment constraint is created between the point on the manikin and the target.
The constraint stays in the model, even after you close the Manikin Reach dialog box.
Point on manikin does not reach the target:
The point on the manikin is positioned as close as possible to the target point.
A distance measurement is created between the two points. The measurement includes a saved analysis of the distance between the point on the manikin and the target point.
After you close the Manikin Reach dialog box, during any drag or reach operations, the measurement updates, trying to automatically convert into an alignment constraint.
6. Click OK. The manikin reaches for the target in the graphics window.
7. Optionally, to save the position of the manikin as a snapshot, right-click Snapshots in the Manikin Tree, and select New Snapshot.
See Reach use cases in a video.
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