Some Surfaces of the Design Model Not Constrained
There are no geometric tolerances applied to one or more surfaces in the design model. A complete dimensioning scheme should specify the acceptable tolerance limits (for size, location, orientation, and form, as applicable) for every surface of the part. Features should be explicitly constrained with the appropriate geometric tolerances. Remaining surfaces may be constrained with a general profile note.
You can use "Show Constraint State Display" to identify the surfaces that are unconstrained or under-constrained. An option to generate a general profile note is available in the part properties. To activate that option:
1. Right-click on the part in the Feature Tree and select Edit Properties... from the context menu.
2. In the Edit Model Properties dialog window, select the for the General Profile and specify the desired value. The DRF referenced by the general profile with be the most constrained DRF that has been defined. If there are multiple DRFs with equal constraint, the first DRF is referenced by the general profile.
3. Click the OK button in the Edit Model Properties window.
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