About GD&T Advisor
GD&T Advisor by Sigmetrix is an application that is integrated with Creo Parametric that provides the following benefits when applying GD&T to your design model:
Creation — Efficient and intelligent application of functionally and syntactically correct GD&T in the 3D model environment.
Validation — Visualization and function-oriented evaluation of GD&T.
Education — Extensive help content and informative tooltips that aid in understanding of GD&T concepts.
Reusability — Intelligent, CAD-native annotations are usable in downstream processes such as drawing production, tolerance analysis, computer-aided inspection, and other activities.
GD&T Advisor supports the ASME Y14.5 and ISO GPS standards.
Help Pages of Interest
You should review and familiarize yourself with the following help pages:
Introduction to GD&T— Contains a general introduction to GD&T rules and concepts.
User Interface and Workflow — Describes the GD&T Advisor user interface and the general application workflow.
Introductory Tutorial (ASME), Introductory Tutorial (ISO) — A tutorial that steps you through the process of defining GD&T on a simple part using GD&T Advisor. You should run through this tutorial before trying to use GD&T Advisor on your parts.
Common Alternate Workflows — Describes some common alternate workflows.
Limitations — As ASME Y14.5 and ISO GPS are quite broad and complex, there are some other areas of those standards that are not fully supported. This document describes the limitations of GD&T Advisor. You should familiarize yourself with this information so you can understand how GD&T Advisor can be used.
Terminology Usage
The ASME and ISO GPS tolerancing standards involve many specialized terms. It is important that those terms are properly understood, so this document includes a glossary of terms (See Glossary). In some cases, ASME and ISO use different terms for similar concepts. However, since GD&T Advisor uses the same user interface and documentation for both standards, in some cases the ASME term is used throughout the application and documentation, even in the context of ISO GPS. For example, datum system is a term used in ISO GPS that has a very similar meaning to datum reference frame in ASME, but datum reference frame is used throughout the application and documentation. Thus, when working in ISO tolerancing standard, datum reference frame refers to an ISO datum system.
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