Fundamentals > Creo Parametric User Interface > The Analysis Tab > Analyzing Surfaces > To Display the Deviation of a Surface to Points
To Display the Deviation of a Surface to Points
1. Click Analysis > Inspect Geometry > Deviation. The Deviation Analysis dialog box opens. Quick is the default analysis type. The Analysis tab is selected by default.
2. Click in the From collector and select a surface or a datum plane. The name of the selected surface or datum plane is displayed in the From collector.
3. Click in the To collector and select a datum point, datum plane, datum curve, scan curve, or datum point array to which you want to measure the deviation. The name of the selected reference is displayed in the To collector.
The minimum and maximum deviation is computed and displayed in the result area. Click to view the report of the analysis in the INFORMATION WINDOW.
To clear the contents of the collector, right-click in the collector and click Remove on the shortcut menu. You can then continue to select the From and To entities in the collectors.
4. Optionally, to customize or edit your analysis, perform the following steps:
a. Adjust the scale of plot using the thumbwheel or type the required scale value in the Scale box. You can also adjust the scale graphically using the handle on the entity.
b. Adjust the threshold value using the thumbwheel or type the required threshold value in the Threshold box. You can change the threshold value graphically by typing the value directly in the Creo Parametric graphics window.
c. Update is selected by default. You can see the effects of your selections or changes on the analysis plot as you make them. Clear the Update check box to select or adjust multiple analysis options, and then click Preview to view the result of analysis.
5. Optionally, to save the analysis feature, perform the following steps:
a. At the bottom of the Deviation analysis dialog box, select the Saved analysis type.
The Saved type of analysis is used to dynamically update the analysis while modeling.
b. Optionally, in the box adjacent to the list, rename the analysis.
6. Optionally, to create an advanced analysis feature, perform the following steps:
a. At the bottom of the Deviation analysis dialog box, select the Feature analysis type.
b. Optionally, in the box adjacent to the list, rename the analysis.
c. Click the Feature tab to create or change feature options of the current analysis, if required. You can access the feature options, such as parameters or datum features only when you select a feature type of analysis
7. Click OK to complete the analysis, Cancel to cancel the analysis, or click Repeat to start a new analysis.
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