Interface > Validating Import > Reporting to Notification Center > About Import Validation Failures Reported in the Notification Center
About Import Validation Failures Reported in the Notification Center
When the Import Validation Report detects import validation failures and the PTC_VAL_IMP_SCORE parameter reports a model-level import validation score of FAIL or PASS_WITH_WARNING, the Import Validation Report communicates the validation failures to the Notification Center. Depending on the severity of the failures and the import validation score of FAIL or PASS_WITH_WARNING, the failures are categorized as errors or warnings. Import failures such as components missing in the imported assemblies, empty models, incomplete product structures, failure to solidify, and incomplete geometry are tracked and reported as errors and warnings to the Notification Center.
The model notification flag icon on the status bar below the graphics window highlights in red when the Notification Center detects validation failures in the imported models. You can click the model notification flag icon on the status bar and view the number of notifications and the corresponding import validation failures in the notification window. Click Open Notification Center in the notification window to open the Notification Center.
To display notifications and their messages on the status bar below the graphics window, you must click File > Options, click Notification Center in the left pane of the Creo Parametric Options dialog box, and set the Active Notification Pop-Up behavior option to Show and stay on the Set options for Notification Center page.
The components and the model for which the validation failures are detected are also highlighted in red on the Model Tree. To view the import validation failures of a component, you can right-click the component that is highlighted in red on the Model Tree, and click Notification Center on the resultant menu. The import validation failures and the missing model notifications appear as yellow triangles.
You can right-click import validation failures represented by the yellow triangle in the Notification Center and select one of the following options on the shortcut menu to resolve the import validation failure:
Report—Opens the Import Validation Report that displays the import validation failures that are categorized as errors and warnings.
Repair Imported Geometry—Opens the Import DataDoctor (IDD) tab. You can use options on this tab to resolve validation failures due to defects such as unsatisfied topological connections and tangency conditions.
Use Alternate Mass Properties—Designates the alternate mass properties to resolve the validation property failures. Is mutually exclusive with Use Calculated Mass Properties.
Ignore Solidification Check—Ignores solidification failures. Is mutually exclusive with Enable Solidification Check.
Additional tasks that you can perform from the Notification Center are as follows. The relevant commands are available on the right-mouse button (RMB) menu or the top bar of the Notification Center.
List the notifications with the Model Tree objects or by their type.
Locate in Model Tree—Locate the components on the Model Tree from the Notification Center.
Feature Information—View the feature information of the part or component.
—Change the behavior settings of the import validation notifications in the Set options for Notification Center page. This command is available only on the top bar of the Notification Center.
—Expand the list of notifications. This command is available only on the top bar of the Notification Center.
—Collapse the list of notifications. This command is available only on the top bar of the Notification Center.
—Access the Regeneration Manager and selectively regenerate the model or component. This command is available only on the top bar of the Notification Center.
Retrieve Missing Component—Browse and search for the missing component in the File Open dialog box. To access this command, you can right-click the model on the Model Tree or its notification represented by the yellow triangle in the Notification Center.
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