Interface > Validating Import > About Translating the Mass Properties of Solid Models as Validation Data
About Translating the Mass Properties of Solid Models as Validation Data
When you import solid models that belong to file formats such as CATIA V5, Creo Elements/Direct, JT, NX, SolidWorks, SolidEdge, Autodesk Inventor, STEP, and Creo View, mass properties such as surface area, volume, and the coordinates for the center of gravity (COG) in the source models are translated as validation properties and stored as parameters in Creo. Opening parts and assemblies that belong to formats such as Autodesk Inventor, CATIA V5, Creo Elements/Direct, NX, and SolidWorks as non-native models using Creo Unite also creates parameters for the mass properties of the source models. In addition to creating these parameters, Creo calculates the corresponding validation property values for the models imported to Creo or opened as non-native models in Creo. Assembly models include the validation property that is related to their product structure.
When the part models and the part components of assemblies contain multiple solid bodies, the mass properties of the imported models are calculated and the validation property values are computed only when the material assigned at the part and body levels is imported to Creo and the material definition complete. That is, the bodies of the imported part models must have material assigned and the associated material density defined.
The calculated values of the geometric and assembly validation properties are then stored in the model parameters of the non-native and imported models as validation parameters. The following table lists the parameters that store the mass properties of the source models and the corresponding Creo model parameters that store the calculated values of the validation properties.
Mass Property Parameters
The Corresponding Creo Model Parameters
The validation property values of the source models and the calculated values of the geometric and assembly validation properties in the imported and opened models constitute the validation data of the models. When you import or open solid models in Creo, the mass property values of the source models are automatically compared with the calculated values of the corresponding validation properties in the imported or opened models and a score of the data conversion is computed. Based on this score, Creo validates the import process as successful, failed, or passed with warnings.
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