Controlling DXF and DWG Export
You can set the following configuration options:
use_export_2d_dialog to yes so that the Export Environment for DXF or Export Environment for DWG dialog box opens.
dxf_export_format to 12, 13, 14, 2000, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013, or 2018 or
dwg_export_format to 14, 2000, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013, or 2018.
intf2d_out_blanked_layers to yes to export blanked drawing layers.
intf2d_out_acad_splines or intf2d_out_acad_hatches to control the export of polylines, lines, and arcs, or hatch and spline entities.
intf2d_out_pnt_ent to export points as is, or as shapes.
none to export all text based on its font and character coding.
special to export special.fnt characters as stroked text.
all to export all text as stroked text.
dxf_out_comments to yes to create comment lines in the DXF file.
intf2d_out_acad_mtext to yes to convert multiple-line text notes in the drawing to a single MTEXT entity in the DXF or DWG file.
intf2d_out_acad_text_align to as_is or fit to align text.
intf2d_out_acad_ellipses to yes to export ellipses as is, or no to export ellipses as splines.
intf2d_out_acad_ole_as_image to yes to export Excel sheets and Microsoft Word files as images that are embedded as OLE objects in the drawings.
dxf_out_sep_dim_w_breaks to yes to export dimensions with breaks on witness lines so that entities are separated and the original picture is preserved.
intf2d_out_generate_log_file to yes to generate a log file.
intf2d_out_open_log_window to yes to open the log file in a new window after export.
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