Configurations Options for Interface
yes, no*
Controls the display of CADDS 5 models as file or folder icons in the > dialog box.
CADDS 5 models are directories. They are not individual files.
• yes—Displays CADDS 5 models as file icons in the > dialog box whether you select CADDS5 or All Files (*) in Type. You can open CADDS 5 files whether you set Type to CADDS5 or All Files (*).
• no—Displays CADDS 5 models as folder icons in the > dialog box when you select All Files (*) in the Type box. You can open CADDS 5 files only when you explicitly select CADDS5 in Type. However, the CADDS 5 models are displayed as file icons when you select CADDS5 in Type.
yes, no*
Determines whether to link the non-associative dimensions of DXF, DWG, and IGES drawing files with the relevant draft entities after their import so that the imported dimensions become associative. This configuration option is available as the Automatically associate dimensions option in the Import DXF, Import DWG, and the Import IGES dialog boxes. It is also available as the Associate imported IGES, DXF and DWG dimensions to geometry 2D data exchange setting in the Creo Parametric Options dialog box.
• yes—Links dimensions that were not associative before import to the relevant draft entities after import so that the dimensions become associative. The Automatically associate dimensions option in the Import DXF, Import DWG, and the Import IGES dialog boxes shows selection for this value of auto_associate_dimensions. Also makes available the Recompute associative dimensions option on these dialog boxes.
• no—Does not link the dimensions that were not associative before import to the relevant draft entities after import.
yes*, no
Maps CADDS 5 layers to Creo layers when you import CADDS 5 part and assembly models.
yes, no*
Controls whether Creo will format file exports to CGM based on a user-defined pen table.
yes, no*
Determines the priority of overlapping lines when plotting or exporting drawings with overlapping lines according to DIN standards. For example, when you set this configuration option to yes, leader lines have a higher priority than cutting lines. In DIN standards too, leader lines have a higher priority than cutting lines.
yes, no
Controls the appearance of VRML Converter on the File menu.
• yes—VRML Converter appears on the File menu, allowing you to use the Direct VRML export functionality.
• no—VRML Converter does not appear on the File menu.
14, 2000, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2018*
Enables you to select the DWG file version to which you want to export a drawing. This configuration option is available as the DWG export format version 2D data exchange setting in the Creo Parametric Options dialog box.
yes, no*
Controls the import of blocks and block instances. Block instances are imported as separate symbols. This configuration option is available as the Import blocks as symbols option in the Import DXF dialog box.
yes—Imports blocks as symbols.
12, 13, 14, 2000, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2018*
Enables you to select the DXF file version to which you want to export a drawing. This configuration option is available as the DXF export format version 2D data exchange setting in the Creo Parametric Options dialog box.
yes*, no
Determines the type of geometry that is imported from a 3D DXF file.
• yes—Imports the geometry of the 3D DXF file as faceted or ACIS exact data.
• no—Imports the faceted wireframe 3D geometry in the DXF file.
yes*, no
Controls the import of a DXF or DWG ACAD_PROXY_ENTITY.
• yes—During a DXF or DWG file import, an ACAD_PROXY_ENTITY is also imported.
• no—Proxy entities are ignored during DXF and DWG file import.
yes*, no
Controls the creation of comment lines in the DXF file.
yes—Creates comment lines in the DXF file.
yes, no*
Specifies whether to export the drawing scale to the DXF or DWG file. This configuration option is available as the Export drawing scale to DXF or DWG format 2D data exchange setting in the Creo Parametric Options dialog box.
• yes—Includes a scale factor, DIMLFAC, in the exported DXF or DWG file to be read by AutoCAD.
• no—Exports without using a scale for the drawing.
yes, no*
Specifies whether to scale drawing views when exporting to the DXF or DWG file format. This configuration option is available as the Scale drawing views when exporting to DXF or DWG format 2D data exchange setting in the Creo Parametric Options dialog box.
• yes—Rescales the entire drawing such that the scale becomes 1:1 for the view named main_view.
• no—Exports without rescaling the drawing.
yes, no*
Determines how the dimensions and entities are exported.
yes—Exports dimensions with breaks on witness lines so that entities are separated and the original picture is preserved.
yes, no*
Determines whether SJIS is supported when importing and exporting DXF files in Japanese. SJIS is Japanese character encoding.
normal*, high, very_high, low
Controls the display quality of an edge for wireframe and hidden-line removal.
• normal—Provides a normal quality of edge display.
• high—Improves the display quality by increasing tessellation by a factor of 2.
• very_high—Improves the display quality by increasing tessellation by a factor of 3.
• low—Decreases tessellation compared to the normal, speeding up the display of an object.
yes, no*
Enables the CADRA option in the Save a Copy dialog box. This enables the creation of a CADRA-specific IGES file.
yes, no*
Controls the display of dimensions when importing an IGES drawing file.
• yes—Explodes each IGES dimension into two entities. An independent note contains the dimension text and another dimension with an empty note.
• no—Treats dimensions as in the original file.
yes, no*
Specifies whether to use the Creo file names when exporting to the STEP and Neutral formats.
• yes—Uses the application file names when exporting to the STEP and Neutral formats. You must accept the default file name.
• no—Adds a suffix to the model file names.
Specifies the saved format-specific export profiles that initialize the export profile settings specific to each of the supported 3D file formats in a new session of Creo.
yes, no*
Enables Ship-it interface export.
<path name>
Extends the search path of CADDS 5 models during a session of Creo. The CVPATH environment variable in CADDS 5 defines the default paths to search for CADDS 5 models.
Creo searches for CADDS 5 components in the working directory or uses the CVPATH environment variable with the extend_cvpath configuration option to locate CADDS 5 components in other directories.
yes, no*
Fixes scaling problems for AutoCAD releases earlier than Release 10.
yes—Corrects AutoCAD scaling problems.
yes, no*
Corrects a problem caused by multiple rotations of a note in a CATIA IGES file.
yes—Rectifies discrepancies caused by multiple rotations of a note in a CATIA IGES file.
yes*, no
Detemines whether IGES entities are clipped with respect to IGES views.
• yes—Clips entities outside the view outline.
• no—Does not clip entities.
no_clip*, full_clip, partial_clip
Determines whether IGES notes are clipped with respect to the IGES views.
• no_clip—Does not clip notes.
• full_clip—Clips only notes completely outside the view outline.
• partial_clip—Clips notes that are even partially outside the view outline.
yes, no*
Determines the export of drawing-view information. This configuration option is available as the Export drawing view information to IGES format 2D data exchange setting in the Creo Parametric Options dialog box.
• yes—Exports drawing-view information.
• no—Does not export drawing-view information.
yes, no*
Determines the import of RGB information in the IGES files. The color-definition entities in the IGES files are either imported or ignored. This configuration option is available as Import user colors in the Import IGES dialog box.
• yes—Imports RGB information. The color-definition entities in the IGES files are imported to the drawings as user-defined colors. All entities using the color-definition entities are set to use the user-defined colors.
• no—Ignores the color-definition entities in the IGES files. All entities referencing these colors are set to use the assigned color in the color-definition entity.
yes, no*
Controls the import of user-defined line fonts. This configuration option is available as Import user line fonts in the Import IGES dialog box.
• yes—Gives default names to user-defined line styles that do not have names. The names are in the order IGES_1, IGES_2, and so on.
• no—Imports the user-defined line fonts as a solid line font.
yes, no*
Determines the conversion of an IGES group to drawing layers. This configuration option is available as Import groups as layers in the Import IGES dialog box.
• yes—Converts an IGES group to drawing layers.
• no—Does not convert the IGES group to drawing layers.
as_geometry, all_views*, no_views, as_is.
Determines the action to be taken when IGES note entities do not point to any views or the drawing entity.
The iges_zero_view_disp configuration option determines the action when IGES geometry does not point to any views or the drawing entity.
yes, no*
yes—Enables the required width of a gtol symbol to be exported to CATIA.
yes, no
yes—Breaks a large note, more than 70 strings, into smaller notes, each producing an IGES entity.
yes, no*
Determines the export of RGB information and the user-defined colors in the drawing to the IGES file format.
• yes—Enables the export of RGB information to IGES files. The user-defined colors in the drawing are exported to an IGES file as color-definition entities. All entities using these colors have a pointer to the corresponding color-definition entity in the IGES file.
• no—Ignores the user-defined colors in the drawing when exporting IGES file. All entities using these colors are set to use the white color in the IGES file.
yes, no*
Controls the export of user-defined line fonts through IGES.
no—Exports all geometry as solid fonts.
yes, no*
• yes—Specifies IGES output with special JAMA-IS subset specification, compliant with version 1.02 of JAMA-IS (Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association IGES Subset Specification).
• no—Specifies normal IGES.
yes, no*
yes—Specifies the IGES output that uses the MIL-D-28000 entity subset.
yes, no*
yes—Exports the text specified by the system_iges_header_fileand the user_iges_header_file configuration options as a note on the drawing.
Use the put_iges_drawing_entity configuration option to control the placement of the note.
yes*, no
Exports a drawing symbol as an IGES general symbol entity, IGES type number 228 (yes) or as its component entities, notes, and lines. This configuration option is available as the Export drawing symbol as an IGES symbol 2D data exchange setting in the Creo Parametric Options dialog box.
value, current*, accuracy*
Sets the maximum value for the distance between an XYZ trimming boundary curve and the underlying surface of a trimmed surface.
all_views*, no_views, as_is
Determines the action when IGES geometry does not point to any views or the drawing entity.
• all_views—Creates a copy of the entity for each view using view transformation.
• no_views—Does not create the entity.
• as_is—Creates the entity only once, using its own view transformation information.
yes*, no
Toggles the generation of an import log file for DXF, DWG, IGES, Mi, and CGM format types. You can also toggle the import log file creation from the Import DXF, Import DWG, and Import MI dialog boxes.
yes*, no
Toggles the generation of an export log file for DXF, DWG, IGES, Step, and CGM format types. You can also toggle the export log file creation from the Export DXF, Export DWG, and Export IGES dialog boxes.
Specifies the path or location of the format-specific import profile, designated as the default import profile for the specified format. If you only specify the file format, the import profile saved in the profiles directory is designated as the default import profile for the format.
If the import profile is not located in the profiles directory, you must specify the path of the format-specific import profile with the name of the format.
0, 1, 2, 3*
Determines the amount of work performed when checking for overlapping lines in a plot or a 2D export file, such as IGES.
• 0—Dumps lines in the interface without checking for overlapping lines or collecting lines of the same pen color.
• 1—Does not check for overlapping lines, but collects lines of the same pen color for plotting.
• 2—Partially checks edges with two vertices and collects lines of the same pen color for plotting.
• 3—Completely checks all the edges against each other, regardless of the number of vertices, fonts, or colors. Lines of the same pen color are collected for plotting.
yes, no*
Allows you to solidify closed quilts when you import CADDS 5 part and assembly models.
• yes—Imports closed quilts as solids when you import CADDS 5 models.
• no—Does not solidify the closed quilts in the CADDS 5 models when you import the models.
14*, 15
Controls the version of CADDS 5 files. Allows you to switch between the default and the alternate CADDS 5 converter versions for the Creo Interface for CADDS 5. The default is CADDS 5 version 14.0.
short*, long, no
Specifies whether to generate log files for the import of various 3D formats. When the log files are generated, specifies whether they are short or long.
• short—Specifies that the import log file is short.
• long—Specifies that the import log file is long and detailed.
• no—Does not generate the import log file.
yes, no*
Converts an IGES or DXF point entity to a drawing point. This configuration option is available as Import points in the Import DXF, Import DWG, and Import IGES dialog boxes.
2D_views*, 3D_views, no
Determines whether associativity of an IGES view is preserved when you import an IGES drawing. This configuration option is available as Views in the Import IGES and Import MI dialog boxes.
• 3D_views—Creates 3D views when a 3D model exists in the file.
• 2D_views—Imported IGES views work as 2D views.
• no—Imported IGES views are exploded and become unrelated.
none*, comp, all
Controls the conversion of planar composite curves to datum curves for feature creation. This is when you import an IGES, STEP, or CATIA file containing planar composite curves into a Creo part or assembly.
• none—Does not extract profile curves during import.
• comp—Imports only planar composite curves.
• all—Imports all planar curves.
yes*, no
Allows you to choose the method of opening Creo Granite-based file formats in Creo. The method of directly opening the Granite-based file formats as Creo models is the default. The direct open method preserves the feature-structure of the Granite file in the resultant Creo file though these features are 'read-only' .
• yes—Directly opens a Granite-based file as a Creo model with read-only features or components, or both.
• no—Imports a Granite-based file using the standard import method, that is, as import features or components, or both. You can edit the import features or components.
none*, part_layer, block_layer, block_nested_layer, block_view_based_layer, block_nested_view_based_layer
• none—Exports Creo drawings in the DXF and DWG formats without creating blocks or mapping layers and line styles.
• part_layer—Exports data from drawings to the DXF and DWG formats.
• block_layer—Exports components (parts), symbols, groups (for each view) and tables of drawings as AutoCAD blocks.
• block_nested_layer—Exports components (parts), symbols, groups (for each view) and tables of drawings as AutoCAD blocks. Component blocks are nested according to the hierarchy of their Creo assembly.
• block_view_based_layer—Exports components (parts), symbols, groups (for each view) and tables of drawings as AutoCAD blocks. Component blocks are nested according to the views in which they appear.
• block_nested_view_based_layer—Exports a layer of components (parts), symbols, groups (for each view) and tables of drawings as AutoCAD blocks. Component blocks are nested according to the views in which they appear and the hierarchy of their Creo assembly.
Enables you to assign interface IDs to layers during export.
as_is, full_size*, adjusted
Sets the text length in the exported 2D file.
• as_is—The width of each character is the width of the strokes.
• full_size—The width of each character is the width of the character text box.
• adjusted—Adjusts spacing so that no extra space is left and the end or start character does not overlap.
yes, no*
Controls the creation of an additional U3D file when exporting a Creo file to a U3D PDF file.
• yes—Creates a U3D file of the same name as the U3D PDF file being exported.
• no—Creates only the U3D PDF file during an export.
any directory, current working directory
Specifies the common directory or folder for the storage of the import, open, and export profiles. You can explicitly set the value of this configuration option to a folder or directory for use as the default profiles directory or specify the path to the profiles directory inProfiles directoryon theCreo Parametric Optionsdialog box.
yes*, no
Controls the size of the drawing sheet. The drawing sheet size depends on whether the imported drawing sheet size varies from the standard Creo drawing sheet size and the drawing sheet size information contained in the imported files of the IGES, STEP, DXF, DWG, MEDUSA, STHENO/PRO, and CGM formats.
For a DXF drawing file with multiple drawing sheets of variable size that is imported as a single drawing with multiple sheets, the variable sizes of the imported drawing sheets are maintained in Creo.
• yes—Creates drawing sheets of different but appropriate sizes when the drawing sheet sizes vary from the standard Creo drawing sheet size. The variable drawing sheet sizes are created depending on the drawing sheet size information specified in the imported files.
• no—Places the imported drawing on the standard-size drawing sheet. For a DXF file with multiple drawing sheets of variable sizes, for each sheet of the drawing, a standard-size drawing sheet that is nearest in size to the original drawing sheet is created in Creo.
This configuration option is available as Create variable size sheet in the Import DXF, Import DWG, and Import IGES dialog boxes. This option is also available as the Imported IGES, DXF, DWG, and STEP files with a variable-sized sheet placed on 2D data exchange setting in the Creo Parametric Options dialog box.
yes, no*
Controls the compatibility between 2D external formats and Creo.
yes—Fixes compatibility problems between 2D external formats, such as IGES and DXF, and Creo.
yes, no*
Determines how cross hatches in 2D IGES files are exported. Cross hatches are exported as separate single geometric entities or as IGES Element Type 230. This configuration option is available as the Export drawing symbol as an IGES symbol 2D data exchange setting in the Creo Parametric Options dialog box.
• yes—Exports draft cross hatches as IGES Element 230. That is, a sectioned area is created for each draft cross hatch.
• no—Exports draft cross hatches as separate single geometric entities or independent lines.
yes*, no
Allows you to append a DXF or DWG drawing by dragging it to an active drawing.
yes—Allows you to drag and append DXF or DWG drawings from your local directory to an active drawing.
no—Creates a new drawing when you drag a DXF or DWG drawing from your local directory to an active drawing.
yes, no*
Determines whether to fix the special characters that were part of the dimension text in the DXF and DWG drawing files, but have skipped import. They are missing in the imported drawings or are stroked in the dimension picture text.
• yes—Fixes the special characters that are part of the dimension text, but are missing or are stroked in the dimension picture text after import of the DXF and DWG drawings. After you import the DXF and DWG files, such dimensions are created with text from the dimension definition in the DXF files.
• no—Does not fix the special characters of dimension text when they are missing or are stroked in the DXF and DWG files imported to Creo.
yes, no*
Allows you to skip the 3D solid entities in the 3D DXF or DWG files imported in the Drawing mode.
• yes—Ignores the 3D solid entities in the 3D DXF or DWG files imported in the Drawing mode and processes the 2D draft entities.
• no—Processes the 3D solid entities along with the 2D entities in the 3D DXF or DWG files imported in the Drawing mode and creates assemblies with the 3D data.
This configuration option is available as the Import 3DSOLID entities option on the Import DXF and Import DWG dialog boxes.
yes, no*
Defines the line width of imported geometry from a DXF or DWG file.
• yes—The line weight dimension is used to define the width of the imported entity.
When importing polylines, both line weight and line width are used. If the line width is 0, the line weight value defines the line width in the imported geometry. If the line width is non-zero, Creo uses the imported line width value.
When importing other entities, the line width is defined by the line weight.
• no—The line weight dimension is not used. Only the line width is used.
When importing polylines, the value of line width is used in Creo. For other entities, the value of line width is 0.
yes, no*
Determines whether to retain the association of dimensions with the draft entities in the DXF, DWG, and IGES drawing files after import. This configuration option is available as the Import associative dimensions option in the Import DXF, Import DWG, and the Import IGES dialog boxes.
• yes—If the associative_dimensioning drawing setup option is set to yes, dimensions remain associated with the relevant draft entities after import just as they were associated with the same draft entities before import. The Import associative dimensions option in the Import DXF, Import DWG, and the Import IGES dialog boxes shows selection for this value of intf2d_in_assoc_dim_geom. Also makes available the Recompute associative dimensions option on these dialog boxes.
• no—Dimensions do not retain their association with the draft entities after import.
Any real value including negative values in drawing units, 0.0*
Specifies the bottom margin of the drawing sheet for the imported drawings.
yes, no*
Determines whether to include containers and stock-finish relations when you import Creo Elements/Direct drawings that are associative with 3D models.
• yes—Includes containers and stock-finish relations in the associative drawings imported from Creo Elements/Direct.
• no—Does not include containers and stock-finish relations by default in the associative drawings imported from Creo Elements/Direct.
yes*, no
Determines whether to include empty parts when you import Creo Elements/Direct drawings that are associative with 3D models.
• yes—Includes empty parts by default in the associative drawings imported from Creo Elements/Direct.
• no—Does not include empty parts in the associative drawings imported from Creo Elements/Direct.
yes*, no
Determines whether to include face parts when you import Creo Elements/Direct drawings that are associative with 3D models.
• yes—Includes face parts by default in the associative drawings imported from Creo Elements/Direct.
• no—Does not include face parts in the associative drawings imported from Creo Elements/Direct.
yes, no*
Determines whether to include wire parts when you import Creo Elements/Direct drawings that are associative with 3D models.
• yes—Includes wire parts in the associative drawings imported from Creo Elements/Direct.
• no—Does not include wire parts by default in the associative drawings imported from Creo Elements/Direct.
yes*, no
Specifies whether centerlines are imported as axes or as draft entities when importing a ced drawing associative with a 3D model.
yes—Centerlines are imported as axes.
no—Centerlines are imported as draft entities.
yes, no*
Determines whether to create cross-section arrows when you import associative drawings with section views from Creo Elements/Direct.
• yes—Creates cross-section arrows for the associative drawings with section views that are imported from Creo Elements/Direct.
• no—Does not create cross-section arrows by default for the associative drawings with section views that are imported from Creo Elements/Direct.
yes, no
Controls the conversion of multiple-line text for all 2D file formats to a single multiple-line note or multiple single-line notes. If each line of the text in the imported file is of a different font, you can preserve the original fonts in the multiple-line notes.
• yes—Creates a single multiple-line note with the default style settings. Style settings of the notes are ignored during import.
• no—Creates multiple single-line notes with the original fonts and styles.
This configuration option is available as the Create multi-line text option in the Import DXF, Import DWG, and Import IGES dialog boxes. It is also available as the Create a Multiline Note when importing MTEXT 2D data exchange setting in the Creo Parametric Options dialog box.
Specifies the mapping file for DXF or DWG import. Specify the absolute or relative path to the file. This configuration option is available as the DXF and DWG import mapping file location 2D data exchange setting in the Creo Parametric Options dialog box.
yes, no*
Determines whether to place the boundary lines of sectioned areas on a single layer when hatches are included in the IGES file selected for import.
You can place the boundary lines of the hatches on a layer in Creo and change the import layer display status to blank so that the boundary lines are not visible after the import of the IGES file.
• yes—Places boundary lines of sectioned areas from the IGES file on a layer named IGES_HATCH_BOUNDARY.
• no—Does not place boundary lines of sectioned areas on a layer.
yes*, no
Controls the import of IGES symbols as entities or as symbols.
• yes—Imports IGES symbols as symbols. The Import symbols as entities check box in the Import IGES dialog box is not selected by default.
• no—Imports IGES symbols as entities. The Import symbols as entities check box in the Import IGES dialog box is selected by default.
Any real value including negative values in drawing units, 0.0*
Specifies the left margin of the drawing sheet for the imported drawings.
Specifies the use of the mapping file for the import of Creo Elements/Direct *.mi drawing files. You can set this configuration option to the real or the absolute path of the mapping file.
You need not set this configuration option when you place the mapping file in the Creo working directory.
yes, no*
Controls the display of the import log file in a separate window.
• yes—Opens the import log file in the Information Window of the Creo application. The Open log window option is selected by default in the Import DXF or the Import DWG dialog box.
• no—Does not open the import log file in a separate window. The Open log window option in the Import DXF or the Import DWG dialog box is not selected by default.
yes, no*
Determines whether to recalculate dimension values after the import of the DXF, DWG, and IGES drawing files. The distance of the imported draft entities is calculated from the dimension witness lines. The imported dimensions are associated with the draft entities that are closest to the dimension witness lines, especially when witness lines are moved or draft entities are updated. This configuration option is available as the Recompute associative dimensions option in the Import DXF, Import DWG, and the Import IGES dialog boxes.
• yes—Recomputes dimension values associated with the relevant draft entities after import. The Recompute associative dimensions option in the Import DXF, Import DWG, and the Import IGES dialog boxes shows selection for this value of intf2d_in_recompute_dim_value.
• no—Does not recompute dimensions values associated with the relevant draft entities after import.
Any real value including negative values in drawing units, 0.0*
Specifies the right margin of the drawing sheet for the imported drawings.
yes*, no
Determines how colors are imported from the Creo Elements/Direct drawing files.
• yes—Imports standard colors as user-defined colors.
• no—Maps standard colors to Creo colors.
asme*, iso, stroked asme, stroked iso, legacy
Determines which symbol font to apply to special characters when you import non-native drawings, such as DWG, IGES, or MI.
Any real value including negative values in drawing units, 0.0*
Specifies the top margin of the drawing sheet for the imported drawings.
yes*, no
Determines the color of the imported entities based on the background color. If you set this configuration option to yes, entities that appear white in color are imported as black entities when the background color is white.
yes, no*
Controls the visibility of the blanked lines of tables in drawings exported to the DXF and DWG formats.
• yes—Exports tables with blanked lines as separate entities.
• no—Exports the tables in the drawings without blanking the lines.
yes*, no
Controls the export of ellipses to the DXF and DWG file formats.
• yes—Exports the ellipses in the drawing as is by default to the DXF or DWG file.
• no—Exports the ellipses as splines.
yes*, no
Controls the export of OLE objects in the drawings to the DXF and DWG file formats.
• yes—Exports the OLE objects in the drawings as images and not as ACAD OLE objects to the DXF or DWG file.
• no—Exports OLE objects as separate entities. Excel sheets and Microsoft Word files embedded as OLE objects in the drawings are exported as separate lines and notes. OLE objects such as bitmap images are not exported.
yes*, no
Controls the export of multiple-line notes to the DXF and DWG file formats as a single MTEXT entity or as multiple TEXT entities.
• yes—Converts the multiple-line text notes in the Creo drawing to a single MTEXT entity in the DXF or DWG file.
• no—Converts the multiple-line text notes in the drawing to multiple text entities in the DXF or DWG file.
This configuration option is available as the Export multi-line note as MTEXT option in the Export Environment for DXF and the Export Environment for DWG dialog boxes. This option is also available as the Export Multiline Text notes as AutoCAD MTEXT 2D data exchange setting in the Creo Parametric Options dialog box.
as_is*, fit
Controls the alignment of text exported to the DXF and DWG file formats. You can export text as is or with the FIT alignment.
• as_is—Exports text in notes as is. The original alignment of text in the notes is preserved.
• fit—Exports a note with text stretched or squeezed to fill or fit the space between the start and end points of the note.
This configuration option is available as the Text Alignment option in the Export Environment for DXF and the Export Environment for DWG dialog boxes.
yes, no*
Controls the encoding of non-ASCII characters as Unicode when you export drawings to the DXF versions below 2007. This configuration option is available as the UNICODE encoding option in the Export Environment for DXF dialog box for DXF versions below 2007.
The intf2d_out_acad_unicode configuration option is not applicable for DXF versions 2007 and above as these versions only support Unicode encoding and do not support the encoding of non-Unicode characters. The intf2d_out_acad_unicode configuration option is not valid for DXF version 12 as this version does not support Unicode encoding.
• yes—Exports non-ASCII characters with Unicode encoding to the DXF format.
• no—Does not export non-ASCII characters with Unicode encoding to the DXF format.
yes*, no
Controls the export of annotations with multiple normal leaders to DWG and DXF file formats.
yes—Multiple normal leader annotations are exported to DWG and DXF file formats as blocks.
no—Multiple normal leader annotations are exported to DWG and DXF file formats as separate entities.
yes, no*
Enables the export of blanked layer entities in drawings to DXF, DWG, and STEP formats. This configuration option is available as the Export blank layers 2D data exchange setting in the Creo Parametric Options dialog box.
yes—Exports an entity on a blanked layer and stores the layer visibility in the export file.
no—Does not export entities on blanked layers.
yes*, no
Controls the thickness of the stroked text when a pen table is applied to the text of drawings that are exported to the CGM file format.
yes—Pen thickness settings in the pen table are applied to the stroked text.
no—Pen thickness settings in the pen table are not applied to the stroked text. Font settings that you make on the Format tab override the pen table settings.
1, 3*
Determines the CGM version for export. This configuration option is available as the CGM export format version 2D data exchange setting in the Creo Parametric Options dialog box.
3—Exports all curves, except lines and arcs, as Non-Uniform B-splines or Non-Uniform Rational B-splines (NURBS). Notes are exported as text entities.
Specifies the mapping file for DXF and DWG export. Specify the absolute or relative path to the file. This configuration option is available as the DXF and DWG Export mapping file location 2D data exchange setting in the Creo Parametric Options dialog box.
as_hatch*, as_lines, as_blocks
Controls whether the hatches are converted to corresponding DWG or DXF hatch entities, represented as separated entities or exported as blocks.
• as_hatch—Hatches are exported to DXF and DWG formats as hatch entities.
• as_lines—Hatches are exported to DXF and DWG formats as separate entities.
• as_blocks—Hatches are exported to DXF and DWG formats as blocks.
This configuration option is available as the Export hatches to DXF and DWG formats as: 2D data exchange setting in the Creo Parametric Options dialog box.
yes, no*
Controls which variable is used when importing a DXF/DWG file as a drawing.
• yes — Use the INSUNITS variable for units if available; otherwise, use MEASUREMENT. If the value is 0, the units are set to inches.
• no — Use INSUNITS if it aligns with MEASUREMENT; otherwise, use MEASUREMENT.
as_spline*, as_polyline
Controls whether splines are converted to corresponding DWG or DXF entities or exported as polylines.
• as_spline—Splines are exported to DXF and DWG formats as splines.
• as_polyline—Splines are exported to DXF and DWG formats as polylines.
This configuration option is available as the Export splines to DXF and DWG formats as: 2D data exchange setting in the Creo Parametric Options dialog box.
yes, no*
Determines the export of layer IDs of drawings to the IGES format.
• yes—Exports the layer IDs of drawings, instead of layer names, to the IGES format. The layer IDs are mapped to IGES levels.
• no—Layers are mapped to IGES levels by their names and internal IDs, regardless of their user IDs. This is the default value.
yes*, no
Determines how the content of gtol frames and additional text are exported to IGES.
• yes—Gtol frames content and additional text are exported as separate text entities.
• no—Gtol frames content and additional text are exported as a single text entity.
yes*, no
Controls the export of line width to DXF and DWG files.
• yes—Exports line width information.
• no—Exports all lines with the default width.
yes, no*
Controls the display of the log file created during the export of drawing data using the DXF, DWG, or the IGES file format. The log file contains details such as the file version, the configuration option settings, the assembly structure representation as blocks or layers, text as is or as geometric entities, and so on.
yes—You can view and verify the information, edit, and save the log file in an Information window.
non_ttf*, all, none
Defines how the TrueType and the non-TrueType text fonts are processed when drawings are exported as PDF files.
• non_ttf—Reuses the TrueType text fonts and strokes the non-TrueType text fonts during the export. This value of the intf2d_out_pdf_stroke_text_font configuration option is the default. It is available as the Stroke Non TrueType Fonts option on the Content tab of the PDF Export Settings dialog box.
• all—Strokes all text fonts in the drawing. This value is available as the Stroke All Fonts option on the Content tab of the PDF Export Settings dialog box.
• none—Reuses the TrueType text fonts and maps the non-TrueType text fonts. Is available as the Use TrueType Fonts option on the Content tab of the PDF Export Settings dialog box.
yes*, no
Controls the export of the user-defined white color (255, 255, 255) of the drawing entities to the PDF format.
• yes—Exports the user-defined white color (255, 255, 255) of the drawing entities as black to the PDF format.
• no—Exports the white color (255, 255, 255) of the drawing entities as is.
no*, yes
Exports points of a drawing in the DXF, DWG, or the IGES file format as is or as shapes.
quilt*, hidden_line
Determines the export or print preference of quilt lines and hidden lines in drawings that contain quilt and hidden lines. Quilt lines have a higher priority than hidden lines by default.
• quilt—Quilt lines in the drawings are preferred for the export or print by default. Exports, prints, or plots quilt lines with higher priority than hidden lines.
• hidden_line—Hidden lines have higher priority than quilt lines when you export, print, or plot drawings.
none*, special, all
Specifies whether to export the text of drawings as stroked text that is converted to lines and dots.
• none—Does not stroke the text of the exported drawings. This is the default.
• special—Strokes the special characters in the drawings.
• all—Strokes all the text in the drawings.
yes*, no
Enables or disables the validation of the imported and opened models and reports the validation failures of the models to the Notification Center
• yes—Enables the validation of the imported and opened models and then reports the import validation failures of the models to the Notification Center. This is the default.
• no—Disables the validation of the imported and opened models and does not report the import validation failures of the models to the Notification Center.
yes*, no
Keeps high-degree B-spline surfaces in non-native gPlug parts that you import.
yes—Preserves high-degree B-spline surfaces in imported models. This value is set by default.
no—Approximates imported models’ high-degree B-spline surfaces into third-degree spline surfaces.
Fill the empty body of the import template part with imported geometry if there are no other bodies in the template part.
Sets the pen speed for the x- and y- directions for plotters that are compatible with this option.
<directory name>
Specifies the directory to which plot files are written. Use the full path to avoid problems. For example, /home/users/plotfiles.
<desired plotter name>
Establishes the default plotter if the plotter name is specified when making plot files.
windows_print_manager, print /d:\\print_server_name\printer_share_name, copy %1 \\printer_server_name\printer_share_name
Sets the command that you are using to start a plot on your system. The windows_print_manager option configures Creo to plot to a recognized device in the Windows print manager.
pdf*, iges, dxf, step, cgm, dwg, tiff, medusa, stheno
Sets a format as the preferred publish deliverable for drawings. You can directly export drawings to the format you set as the value of this configuration option without changing the export settings. This configuration option is set to PDF by default. You can set IGES, DXF, DWG, STEP, CGM, TIFF, MEDUSA, or STHENO as the preferred export format for drawings.
<directory name>
Specifies the directory in which Creo Granite application plug ins are located. Use the full path to avoid problems.
<directory name>
Sets the directory of your user-defined plotter configuration file. Use the full path to avoid problems, for example, /home/users/plot_dir.
yes*, no
Specifies whether or not to suppress the output of the IGES drawing entity, #404, to the IGES file.
no—The drawing entity is not output.
directory paths
Specifies a list of directories to search, in the order listed, for object or file retrieval. These directories, along with the current working directory and any directories specified in the file make up the search path.
The directory paths can be relative or absolute. You can use special characters, such as "..", in specifying a relative path name.
Relative path names are initially resolved relative to the startup directory. If you subsequently reload the configuration file, the system reevaluates the paths relative to the current working directory and appends the new directories, if any, to the search path. The previous path remains in place. Therefore, specify the full paths to avoid problems if you change the working directory or use the same configuration file in another startup directory.
The option can have several paths on a single line separated by commas, semicolons, or spaces. Use consistently the delimiter you choose. The option can appear any number of times in the configuration file. It is, therefore, not necessary to have more than one path to a line. If objects with the same name are stored in more than one search path, the system retrieves the first one that it finds, regardless of the object that is the most recent.
Search paths can also include previously-defined environment variables. Begin the variable with $ in the search-path definition. For example, the environment variable OBJ_TYPE is used as follows:
search_path /partlib/$OBJ_TYPE/objs
When defining a search path, precede the backslash with another formatting character.
yes*, no
Controls the shading of surface features.
• yes—Shades surfaces.
• no—Does not display surface features with shading.
as_3d_views, as_3d_views_assoc_draft, no*
Determines how 3D model geometry is to be exported to a DWG file. This configuration option is available as the Export drawing views and associated 3D models to STEP format data exchange setting in the Creo Parametric Options dialog box.
• as_3d_views—Exports 3D model geometry with its associative views.
• as_3d_views_assoc_draft—Exports 3D model geometry with its associative views and view-related annotations.
• no—Exports only 2D representations of the 3D models.
Inserts a specified text file into the Start section of the IGES files. When used with user_iges_header_file, the system text appears first.
device name, calcomp
Specifies the name of a digitizing tablet.
none*, G4, packbits, deflate
Specifies the image compression algorithm to use, whether or not to export to TIFF as compressed files using G4 compression. The exported files are not compressed by default.
• G4—Colorspace black and white compression. Valid when you select TIFF as the plotter type.
• packbits—The Macintosh PackBits format. Valid when you select TIFF as the plotter type.
• Deflate—A lossless data compression algorithm for use when quality is important than compression. This value is not supported when plotting to TIFF.
• none—The exported files are not compressed.
palette, rgb*, grayscale, mono
Determines the type of TIFF items that are exported and identifies the color to use. Shaded images are exported to the TIFF format as 24-bit RGB images, by default. Palette color (level 3) mode is also supported.
You can set tiff_type to any one of the following values, when you select TIFF as the plotter type:
• palette—8-bit colors
• rgb—24-bit colors
• grayscale—Gray scale colors
• mono—Black and white
Plotting to TIFF does not support shaded images.
yes, no*
Determines whether to export the color of each surface of a part model to a U3D file when the model has different colors assigned to each of its surfaces or faces. A single color of the model is exported to the U3D file by default when you export the model in the U3D graphics format as a 3D PDF file. Colors assigned to the surfaces of the model represent manufacturing information such as surface finish.
• yes—Exports the color of each face or surface of a part model when different colors are assigned to each of its faces or surfaces.
• no—Exports a single color of the part model.
yes*, no
Opens or does not open the Export Environment for DXF, the Export Environment for DWG, or the Export Environment for IGES dialog box.
yes—The Export Environment for DXF, the Export Environment for DWG, or the Export Environment for IGES dialog box with options specific to the respective file types opens.
yes*, no
Disables the use of IGES font 1003.
no—Font sets 1001 and 1002 are used first.
yes, no*
Determines whether to convert Kanji notes in the Creo application to IGES Kanji notes (font code) when exporting.
• yes—Converts Kanji notes to IGES Kanji notes.
• no—Converts using Font 1.
When importing, Kanji notes are converted to Creo Kanji regardless of the value for this option.
Inserts the specified text file in the Start section of the IGES file. You can use valid parametric note symbols to be replaced during the export in this file. For example, in the text file you can use &dwg_name which is replaced by the actual drawing name when a drawing is exported. Similarly, &model_name is replaced with the part or assembly name when exporting from these modes.
Use the full path to avoid problems, for example, /home/users/iges_header_file.
name, full_name, base_name, proe_name, default
Enables you to place an anchor on a specified VRML component during the export to VRML. The keywords are optional.
• name—Uses the VRML file name without the extension.
• full_name—Uses the VRML file name with the extension.
• base_name—Uses the Creo application object name without the extension.
• proe_name—Uses the Creo application object name with the extension.
• default—Produces an empty WWW anchor for VRML export or produces the database as it was done for VRML export in Manufacturing Process Planning.
yes, no*
Controls the export of a model to the VRML format with or without the Creo application background color.
• yes—Exports a model to VRML with the Creo application background color.
• no—Does not export a model to VRML with the Creo application background color.
yes*, no
Exports a model to the VRML format with or without the explode lines.
• yes—Exports a model to VRML with explode lines with assembly or assembly process data.
• no—Does not export a model to VRML with explode lines with assembly or assembly process data.
high, medium*, low
Controls the number of levels of detail (LODs) in models exported to the VRML format.
• high—Up to 10 levels of detail. The highest level, Level 10, has the same resolution as a Creo model.
• medium—Up to 9 levels of detail. The highest level, Level 9, is one level below that of the Creo model.
• low—Up to 5 levels of detail. The highest possible level, Level 8, is two levels below that of the Creo model.
The level of detail (LOD) in a Creo model is Level 10.
1.0, 2.0*
Controls the VRML version for export.
yes, no*
Controls the retention of component colors.
• yes—Ensures that the model components retain their true color.
• no—In some viewers, component colors may not be consistent.
all*, none, top
Determines the views that are exported to the VRML file.
• all—Exports all view names to the VRML database.
• top—Exports only the top assembly view names to the VRML database.
• none—Does not export views to the VRML database.
designated*, all, none
Determines the parameters exported for the part.
• designated—Exports designated parameters and dimensions.
• all—Exports all user-parameters.
• none—Does not export user-parameter data.
yes, no*
Determines if the in-session top assembly simplified representations are exported to the package files.
• yes—Specifies direct and in-memory export of the top assembly simplified representation to the Fly-Through package (.pkg) files.
• no—Does not export the simplified representations.
yes, no*
Customizes the output so that you have an additional frame for each step of the process or for an assembly publication.
• yes—An auxiliary aux.html file is created for the assembly process-in each step00 directory to be replaced by your own <filename>.html file.
• no—The auxiliary file is not created.
jpg_vrml*, vrml, cgm, jpg, cgm_vrml, cgm_jpg, all
Specifies the format of the output as one of the following values:
• jpg_vrml—Specifies JPG and VRML as the formats of the output data.
• vrml—Specifies VRML as the format of the output data.
• cgm—Specifies CGM and VRML as the formats of the output data. Sets up the site to only show CGM.
• jpg—Specifies JPG and VRML as the formats of the output data. Sets up the site to only show JPG.
• cgm_vrml—Specifies CGM and VRML as the formats of the output data.
• cgm_jpg—Specifies CGM and JPG as the formats of the output data.
• all—Specifies CGM, JPG, and VRML as the formats of the output data.
out*, in
Specifies the location of the Model Tree in the browser window.
• out—Opens the Model Tree in a separate window.
• in—Includes the Model Tree in the Web page and removes the Tree check box from the control panel.