To Add an Intersected Component
1. In an open assembly with intersected components, right-click the feature in the Model Tree and choose

from the shortcut menu.
The Intersected Components dialog box opens.
2. Select components from the Model Tree or the graphics window to add to the list of models.
3. To change the display level of a component, select it in the list and choose an option from the Display level list:
◦ Top Level—Display the intersect only at the assembly level.
◦ Part Level—Display the intersect at the assembly and part levels.
◦ Sel Level—Change the visibility of feature intersections. This options is available only when the advanced_intersection configuration option is set to yes.
4. Right-click in the component list for the shortcut menu commands:
◦ Remove—Remove the selected component from the intersect feature.
◦ Information—Open an information window in the browser.
◦ Add Instance—Add the intersect feature to additional family table instance of the component. The instance is added to the New names list.
◦ Display level—Change the visibility level of the component. This options is available only when the advanced_intersection configuration option is set to yes.
5. Click the Advanced geometry creation check box to create a more stable feature when problem geometry is involved. This option is useful when the accuracy of the assembly components is not the same. The check box sets the option for the entire feature and not individual intersected components.
6. Click the Show feature properties in sub-models check box to display the intersect feature as a component feature in the Model Tree. This option is available when the Display level is set to Part Level.
7. Click New names to display other Family Table instances of the component intersected by the feature. This options is available only when the advanced_intersection configuration option is set to yes.
8. Click OK.
| Use the Remove command to remove components from the Intersected Components dialog box. |