Assembly Design > Top Down Design > Notebooks > Declaring Notebooks > Rules for Skeleton Models and Notebooks
Rules for Skeleton Models and Notebooks
The following rules apply to the relationship between skeletons and notebooks:
If a skeleton model is introduced to an assembly with notebooks declared to it, you must confirm that you want the system to declare the notebook to the skeleton model as well.
When declaring a notebook to an assembly with a skeleton, you must confirm that you want the system to declare the notebook to the skeleton.
When undeclaring a notebook in an assembly with a skeleton, you must confirm that you want the system to undeclare the notebook in the skeleton as well.
Use the DECLARE command in the SKEL SETUP menu to declare the skeleton model to a notebook. Activate the skeleton model in an assembly and select Model Intent > Declare.
The DECLARE menu allows you to declare notebooks that were already declared to the assembly but not the skeleton, or to exclusively declare notebooks to the skeleton.
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