About Notebooks
A notebook is a nonparametric 2D sketch used as an engineering notebook to conceptually document and annotate parts and assemblies. It maintains design intent in a central location as solid models are developed. A sketch can be created at the beginning of the design process, or a drawing from an assembly or part can be imported into a notebook.
Any IGES, DWG, or DXF file can be imported into a notebook. By importing a drawing you can use an existing design as a notebook for the remaining design process. Notebooks are not precision-scaled drawings and are not associative with actual three-dimensional geometry. Like drawings, notebooks have a setup file, a format, and one or more sheets.
Use a notebook for the following purpose:
Develop basic assembly geometry as a 2D conceptual sketch.
Create global datums that define assembly intent.
Determine mathematical relations between critical design parameters.
Document an assembly as a whole.
With a Notebook you can define the basic requirements and constraints of an assembly without using extensive or detailed geometry. It establishes parameters and the mathematical relations between parameters for dimensions. Global datums facilitate automatic component assembly and automatic component replacement.
The sketched geometry and annotations in a notebook are stored in a file with a .lay extension. You can create, store, and access the reference information for the assembly (global parameters and datums) through a notebook.
Design information is communicated to assemblies, subassemblies, and parts by declaring them to the notebook. When an assembly is retrieved or regenerated, the system regenerates all notebooks, including those declared to subassemblies and parts, and then regenerates the assembly itself. Regeneration of notebooks first ensures that references and driven parameters in the assembly are current. If you do not want the notebooks to be automatically regenerated, set the regen_notebook_w_assem configuration file option to no.
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