About Searching for Assembly Items
You can use the Search Tool or the simple search to find specific components in an assembly.
Using the Search Tool
With the Search tool, you can choose what to search for by setting filters, criteria, and rules on the following tabs.
Attributes—Use one of the following attributes for your search.
Name—Search for items with the specified name.
Type—Search for items of the specified type.
Expression—Search for items according to the values of parameters.
Size—Search for items of a specified size.
Description—Search for items with related notes.
Property—Search for items with one of the specified item properties below.
Replaced—Searches for components that were replaced.
Interchange Group Members—Searches for components that are part of an interchange assembly.
Family Table Generic—Searches for the generic Family Table instance.
Family Table Instance—Searches for components that are an instance of a Family Table.
Module Variant—Searches for module variants meeting the criteria specified in the fields below. Available when a configurable product or module is selected as the Look in option.
ProProgram—Searches for components with ProProgram definitions.
Explicitly modified—Searches for components modified in Creo Direct.
Configurable assembly filters—Searches for components assigned options and choices specified in the fields below. Available when the high-level configurable product is selected as the Look in option.
Update Control—Searches for components with the specified update control status.
Outdate Notification—Searches for components with outdated notifications
Referencing Layout—Searches for components that reference a layout.
History—Use one of the following historic information items or design practices previously experienced. For example, feature numbers, ID rules, failed and last features, or all entities for the current context. You can also specify a range of numbers for feature numbers and rules.
ID—Search for items according to the database ID and according to the Look for option selected.
Number—Search for items according to regeneration order number.
Failed Feat—Search for items with a currently failed feature.
Last Feat—Search for the last feature of a model. When you search an assembly and click Find Now, last feature of each model in the assembly is found.
All—All items defined in the current context of the Search Tool are selected.
Status—Use one of the following status items for your search.
Regeneration—Finds components by regeneration status such as frozen, inactive, failed, and so forth.
Layer—Finds components included or excluded from the specified layer.
Display—Finds components display or visibility styles as setup in a simplified representation.
Parent/Child—Finds the parents or children of a selected reference. Select the reference to determine the parent/child rule, and then describe the Scope for the rule.
Copied Refs—Finds components by their copied reference status.
Parents Details—Finds components by a specified attribute of their parents.
Attributes—Finds components by a specified attribute.
Geometry—Use one of the following geometry types to use for your search.
Zones—Selects components from inside or outside a selected zone.
Distance—Searches for components within a distance from a reference.
Exterior Comps—Select the exterior models of an assembly. Quality Level is specified because this rule essentially takes a shrinkwrap of the assembly and locates any models which intersect with the shrinkwrap. A higher quality level number generates a more detailed shrinkwrap.
For more information, search the Help Center.
Using Simple Search
Using simple search from the Model Tree, you can search for items by typing in the box or using predefined queries.
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