About Saving Advanced Framework Customizations Outside Installation Directory
For an efficient usage of Advanced Framework basic customizations like customizing BOM parameters, start model information, part naming scheme etc. are recommended. Additionally Advanced Framework allows you to customize all other files in the library, like size tables, part, assembly or drawing files for profiles, connectors or equipment and it also allows to add table files, models or drawings for custom profiles, connectors or equipment., To preserve customization information after updating Creo Parametric installation the Advanced Framework customizations can be saved outside the installation directory. For saving customized files Advanced Framework installation folder contains a subdirectory customization. You can move this subdirectory from Advanced Framework installation directory to any other place outside your installation and set Advanced Framework configuration option CUSTOMIZATION_PATH to this directory Then Advanced Framework will read the customized files from this folder if available instead of the original files in the installation directory. The customization subdirectory contains three subdirectories:
configuration—Contains configuration file for start model information. If you want to customize other files from directory <advanced framework installation directory>/configuration like stocklength_table.cfg for customizing stocklength tables or any other .cfg or .txtfile first copy the file over to directory customization/configuration before modifying it.
parts—Contains configuration files like param_relations.txt for customizing BOM information, element_name.txt for customizing element naming scheme and drawing_setup.txt,for customizing component drawing. As these files are specific for certain component types like profiles, connectors etc. they are located in component specific subdirectories. Directory customization/parts can contain any customized file from original <advanced framework installation directory>/parts directory, so its directory structure is identical to the original one. If you want to customize any file from original <advanced framework installation directory>/parts directory, first create the identical subdirectory structure in customization/parts, then copy file to customize in the corresponding subdirectory and then modify it. Following file types can be customized
Creo Parametric part, assembly or drawing files — Make sure that you copy all files belonging to a customized component are copied over to the customization directory and not just one part file of an assembly or just one drawing file without the corresponding part or assembly file. Additionally you can add Creo Parametric files for your own custom library components.
.tab files —You can modify these files, i.e. to add or remove different sizes in component size tables.
.png files —You can modify pictures displayed for a library component in the GUIs.
Creo Parametric user defined feature files — You can add your own user defined features to the library, i.e. for custom components.
sel_list.txt files —These files describe library structure of Advanced Framework component library. If you want to add or remove components in the library you can modify these files in the different subdirectories.
sel_list_extend.txt files —These files allow you to extend a file sel_list.txt from <advanced framework installation directory>/parts directory by custom subdirectories or components from a customization/parts subdirectory.
text—Can contain subdirectories for the different languages and in these a file afx_custom.txt. This file can contain translation for texts of custom library components.
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