Otros módulos
Using Legacy
About Legacy
To Enter Legacy
To Finish a Legacy Session
Configuring Legacy
About Configuring Legacy
To Set Legacy Configuration Options
Configurations Options for Legacy
Working with Parts
About Legacy Part Mode
To Enter Legacy Part Mode to Work with an Existing Part
To Enter Legacy Part Mode to Create a Part
Interface Functions in Legacy Part Mode
About Adding New Features
Legacy Part Modeling Functions
Creating New Wireframe Entities
To Add a New Entity to a Wireframe
To Create Wireframe Entities by Sketching
Using the Get Point Menu
To Set the Origin
To Create a Copy of a Wireframe Entity by Offsetting
To Add a Fillet Between Two Wireframe Entities
To Create a Wireframe Entity by Connecting Points
Modifying Existing Wireframe Entities
About Modifying Existing Wireframe Entities
To Trim or Extend a Wireframe Entity
To Split a Wireframe Entity
To Translate Wireframe Entities
To Rotate Wireframe Entities
To Mirror Wireframe Entities
To Modify the Diameter of Wireframe Entities
To Delete a Wireframe Entity
Modifying Spline Points
About Modifying Spline Points
To Add a Point to a Spline
To Add an Endpoint at a Selected Datum Point or Vertex
To Add an Endpoint on a Second Curve or Edge
Example: Using In Osc Plane to Add an Endpoint on a Second Curve
To Decrease the Number of Spline Points by Deleting One or More Points
To Move an Endpoint to a Second Curve or Edge
Example: Using 2nd Crv/Edge to Move an Endpoint to a Second Curve
To Move an Endpoint to a Selected Datum Point or Vertex
To Move an Interpolation Point in a Specified Plane
To Make a Spline Tangent to a Reference
Example: Making a Spline Tangent to a Curve Using the Crv/Edge/Axis Option
Working with Imported Surfaces
To Remove Selected Imported Surfaces
Removing Imported Surfaces
To Restore Selected Imported Surfaces
Working with Assemblies
About Working with Assemblies in Legacy
To Enter Legacy Assembly Mode to Work with an Existing Assembly
To Enter Legacy Assembly Mode to Create an Assembly
To Import an Assembly from Another System
To Output the Current Assembly to Another System
To Remove Surfaces
Manipulating Imported Objects
Working with Drawings
About Working with Drawings in Legacy
To Enter Legacy Drawing Mode to Work with an Existing Drawing
To Enter Legacy Drawing Mode to Create a Drawing
To Add or Replace a Format in an Existing Drawing
About Using the Grid
To Move the Origin of the Grid
About Using Sheets in a Legacy Drawing
To Obtain Information About Your Legacy Drawing
To Import a Drawing from Another System
To Export a Drawing to Another System
To Plot a Drawing
Using Layers
About Using Overlays
Setting Up Drawing Setup File Options
Working with 2D Views
About Working with 2D Views
To Create a 2D View
To Change the View Scale
To Set a Current View
To Associate Items with a View
To Move a View
To Delete a 2D View
To Reset the Border
Working with 2D Geometry
About 2D Geometry
To Create a Construction Line
To Create a Construction Circle
To Create a Spline and Specify Tangency
To Create a Point
To Offset an Entity
To Delete Entities
Creating Ellipses
About Creating Ellipses
To Create an Ellipse Using Ctr/Pnt/Ang
To Create an Ellipse Using Ctr/Pnt/Pnt
To Create an Ellipse Using Pnt/Pnt/Ang
To Create an Ellipse Using 3 Points
Creating Chamfers
About Creating Chamfers
To Create a Chamfer Using 45 x d
To Create a Chamfer Using Ang x d
To Create a Chamfer Using d x d
To Create a Chamfer Using d1 x d2
Working with Dimensions
About Dimensions
To Create a Dimension
To Align a Dimension with Any Point on the Screen
To Create Ordinate Dimensions
Adding Text to a Dimension
To Change an Ordinate Dimension into Standard
To Change the Direction of Dimension Arrows
Changing Arrow Style
About Changing the Tolerance Format
To Change a Dimension Symbol
To Modify a Dimension Value
About Modifying the Number of Digits
To Control the Placement of Dual Dimensions (Primary and Secondary)
To Convert a Standard Dimension to Ordinate
Updating Draft Dimensions
Creating Gaps in Lines
Increasing the Gap between a Dimension Line and Geometry
Sketching Lines
About Sketching Lines
To Create a Line Using 2 Points
To Create a Line Using Horiz Line
To Create a Line Using Vert Line
To Create a Line Using Angle
To Create a Line Using Pnt/Tang
To Create a Line Using Parl Line
To Create a Line Using Perp Line
To Create a Line Using Norm At Point
To Create a Line Using Tang Line
To Create a Line Using 2 Tang Line
To Create a Line Using Ref Tan/Para
To Create a Line Using Ref Tan/Norm
Sketching Circles
To Create a Circle Using Center/Pnt
To Create a Circle Using Center/Tang
To Create a Circle Using Center/Rad
To Create a Circle Using Center/Dia
To Create a Circle Using 3 Tangent
To Create a Circle Using Fillet
To Create a Circle Using 3 Points
Sketching Arcs
To Create an Arc Using Tang End
To Create an Arc Using 3 Points
To Create an Arc Using Center and Ends
To Create an Arc Using Pnt/Ctr/Ang
To Create an Arc Using 3 Tangent
To Create an Arc Using Fillet
Working with Cross-Sections
About Cross-Sections
To Create a Hatched Cross-Section
To Create a Filled Cross-Section
To Modify the Cross-Hatching Pattern
To Modify the Spacing
To Modify the Angle of Hatching
To Modify the Line Style
To Modify the Offset of a Parallel Line Pattern
To Add a Line to a Pattern
To Delete a Line
To Save a Cross-Hatch Pattern
To Retrieve a Pattern
Modifying Geometry
About Modifying Geometry
To Translate Entities
To Rotate Entities
To Create Copies by Translating
To Create Copies by Rotating
To Mirror Entities
To Trim or Extend an Entity by a Specified Amount
About Trimming Entities to a Specified Bounding Entity or Point
To Trim or Extend an Entity to a Specified Bounding Entity or Point
To Trim or Extend an Entity to a Specified Length
To Trim or Extend to Make a Corner
To Intersect Geometry
About Stretching Entities
To Stretch Entities
To Divide an Entity
To Resize an Entity
About Using Groups
To Measure the Distance Between Two Entities
To Measure the Angle Between Two Lines
To Move Geometry
To Delete Geometry in Legacy
To Modify the Diameter of an Arc or Circle
To Change Line Style
Modifying Splines
To Move a Point
To Modify a Spline by Adding Points
To Delete a Point from a Spline
To Modify a Spline Using Control Poly
Modifying the Shape of a Spline
To Decrease the Number of Spline Points with a Deviation Value
To Smooth a Spline in Legacy
Working with Text in Drawings
About Text in Drawings
To Add a Note with a Leader to a Drawing
To Add a Note without a Leader
To Enter Notes
Working with Geometric Tolerances
About Geometric Tolerances
To Set a Reference Datum
Tip: Setting a Reference Datum
To Transform Dimensions into Basic Dimensions
To Set Inspection Dimensions According to the DIN Standard
To Add a Gtol to a Legacy Drawing
Specifying Geometric Tolerances
To Delete a Geometric Tolerance
To Create a Datum Target
Working with Symbols
About User Symbols
To Define a Symbol
Tip: To Redefine a Symbol
To Add An Instance
To Delete an Instance
To Modify an Instance
To Add a Surface Finish Symbol
Adding Surface Finish Symbols
To Create a Datum Plane
To Create and Name a Datum Axis
To Add a Balloon Note
Adding Balloons
Working with Details
About Details
To Move a Dimension, Unattached Note, or Symbol
To Move Dimension Text
To Move An Attachment Point
To Re-Attach a Symbol with Multiple Attachments
To Re-Attach a Symbol with a Single Attachment
To Add Another Leader Line to a Detail Item
To Delete a Group
Otros módulos
To Delete a Group