To Delete a Basic Joint
1. Click Framework > Basic Joints. The Basic Joints dialog box opens. If there are joints in your model, they appear as yellow icons in the graphics window.
2. Click in the dialog box to toggle joint visibility on and off.
The joint icon depends on the type of joint created. If a profile has been assembled multiple times and the joint is defined elsewhere, the joint icon is .
3. Click . The label Joint to Delete appears over the box and the check box Reset profile ends appears below the box.
4. Select the Reset profile ends check box if you want to reset profile ends after deleting the joint.
5. In the model, select a joint to delete by selecting a profile end which belongs to the existing joint. A preview is displayed.
6. Click one of the options listed below to continue:
OK to complete the deletion and close the dialog box
Repeat to complete the deletion without closing the dialog box and then delete another joint
Cancel to cancel the deletion and close the dialog box
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