About Basic Joints
You can use Basic Joints to connect profile ends with corner, miter, or T-joints if profile end surfaces are planar. Additionally, you can join coordinate systems or datum points to planar surfaces, coordinate systems, or other datum points. When you click Framework > Basic Joints the tools described in the tables below are available:
Join both Profile Ends
Join both profile ends to define different styles of corners between two profile ends. After the joint is created, the profile ends are regenerated so that the joint is correctly defined. You can create four types of corner joints. You can create corner joints on planar profile end surfaces only.
With offset
Regular corner joint
The first profile overlaps the second one, to which it is connected.
Corner joint with gap
Both profiles are connected. The corner itself is a gap.
Overlapping corner joint
Both profiles overlap.
Miter joint
The profile ends are cut on an angle so they fit together.
Join one Profile End to Profile
Join one profile end to another profile to define a T-joint-like connection of one profile end to a surface of another profile. After the T-joint is created, the end of the first profile is modified so that it attaches to the correct surface of the second profile. The second profile is unchanged.
With offset
Regular T-joint
The first profile attaches to the second one.
Overlapping T-joint
The first profile overlaps the second.
Join one Profile End to Surface
Join one profile end to surface to define a joint of one profile end to a planar surface anywhere on the assembly. This surface does not have to be a profile.
With offset
The profile end attaches to the selected surface.
Normal cut
The profile is cut normal to the profile axis at the point of intersection.
Normal cut along intersection line
The profile is cut normal to the selected profile surface along the intersection line between selected profile surface and selected attachment surface.
Join Datums
Join datums to align an offset coordinate system with another coordinate system or a planar surface, or align an offset datum point with another datum point. An offset coordinate system or datum point means that the coordinate system or datum points must be created with option offset to a basic coordinate system.
With offset
Offset csys to csys
Aligns offset coordinate system with another coordinate system in the assembly.
Offset csys to plane
Aligns offset coordinate system with a planar surface in the assembly so position of coordinate system is on the plane and Z-axis of coordinate system is normal to the plane.
Offset point to point
Aligns offset datum point with another datum point in the assembly.
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