Mold Layout Information
You can obtain Mold Layout information while you are in the Mold Layout application. On the Mold Layout tab, click Mold Layout. The Mold Layout Information dialog box opens with the following check boxes:
Cavity layouts—The cavity layout section contains a list of information related to the currently defined cavity layouts.
IMM—The Injection Molding Machine section contains a list of the parameters for the currently defined injection machine.
Mold base—The mold base section contains a list of the parameters for the currently defined mold base.
Runners, Waterlines, and Ejector pin holes—These sections contain standard feature information for each feature type.
Catalog sets—This section contains specific information about the catalog sets that exist in the model.
The Mold Layout Information window also contains the following check boxes under Output:
Screen—The screen displays the information in an information window.
File—A file contains the information that you requested to see. The system gives the file a name with a .inf extension.
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