About Mold Layout
The Mold Layout application provides a dynamic environment for designing and assembling single or multi-cavity tooling in an assembly. Mold Layout also provides efficient tools for fast and robust design of single or multi-cavity molds. You can easily populate your assembly with cavity subassemblies, a mold base assembly, standard components, and an injection molding machine. You can also create some mold-specific features.
The Mold Layout application is mold functionality that is accessible from Assembly mode. You create or open a regular assembly (.asm) file to use this application.
You can switch from working on a multi-cavity mold assembly to working on an individual cavity. To do this, use a regular assembly structure where the multi-cavity mold assembly model is a top level assembly and each cavity model is a subassembly. These cavity subassemblies are represented by Mold or Cast assemblies
You can make changes in one cavity assembly model appear in all cavity assembly models in the multi-cavity mold assembly.
The cavity population tool allows flexible patterning of the cavities according to rectangular, circular, and user defined pattern rules. You can add, remove, move, or reorient each cavity pattern member individually, or even replace any cavity model with a family table instance.
Other functions specific to Mold Layout are as follows:
Selecting and placing mold bases
Selecting and placing Injection Molding Machine models
Creating runners at the assembly level
Creating waterlines at the assembly level
Creating ejector pin holes at the assembly level
Using the standard component Catalog to add, redefine, delete, trim, and cut components
Opening the mold by defining steps, deleting, modifying, reordering, and exploding
The Mold Layout application contains the same basic Mold Opening information as the Mold or Die Opening process. Click Mold or Die Opening Process in the Help Table of Contents for more information.
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